

Primary LanguageShell

mongoDB replica-set

Replication docs

This repository about how to create mongo replica-set from 3 mongodb (mongo1, mongo2, mongo3 on PSS schema) into claster with Auth and craete super user or your own user.

Basic you can create 2 schemas P-S-S or PSA

Deploy Replica Set With file.key Authentication

replica authentication docs link
  • create file.key - for development/staging env
  • allocate file to all members
  • allocate admin user
  • initialize replica-set
  • create User for over DB
  • Use DB

###Create file.key

$openssl rand -base64 756 > <path-to-keyfile> 
$chmod 400 <path-to-keyfile>
$chown 999 <path-to-keyfile> - The file owner was changed to a user id of “999" because the user in the MongoDB Docker container is the one that needs to access this key file.

###Allocate file to all members

    hostname: mongo2
    container_name: mongo2
    image: mongo:4.0.4
      - mongo-cluster
      - 27018:27017
    restart: always
    command: "--keyFile /data/file.key --replSet rs0 --dbpath /data/db --journal --bind_ip_all"
      - "./scripts/file.key:/data/file.key"
      - "./data/mongo2:/data/db"

if you look at command you will see "--keyFile /data/file.key" by this command we start mongo with file.key security. Also don't forget to add file.key to image.

###Allocate admin user To allocate admin user we will use default entrypoit of mongodb images https://hub.docker.com/_/mongo/

    hostname: mongo1

we pass default env to the image.

###Initialize replica-set According to step before we create admin user and now we have right to auth. For this we need define shall script and dockerify it. You will see template in mongo-replicator folder

on this step we wait until we connect to mongo1.

echo "Starting replica set initialize"
until mongo --host mongo1 --eval "print(\"waited for connection\")"; do
  sleep 5

echo "Connection finished"
echo "Creating replica set"

on this step we auth to the mongo1 and init replica-set

mongo --host mongo1 --authenticationDatabase "admin" -u "admin" -p "pass" <<EOF
    _id : 'rs0',
    members: [
      { _id : 0, host : "mongo1:27017", priority:1 },
      { _id : 1, host : "mongo2:27017", priority:0 },
      { _id : 2, host : "mongo3:27017", priority:0 }


after we need to wait for elaborate PRIMARY database, it took by default 10 second and setup owr clusterAdmin that have all right.

sleep 15

echo "set User"

#Need overwrite userName and Password in CI/CD
mongo --host mongo1 --authenticationDatabase "admin" -u "admin" -p "pass" <<EOF
use admin

echo "replica set created"

####Use DB After such manipulation we able to use owr cluster.

mongo -u clusterAdmin -p pass

or connect via mongoose(ODM).