
An app for a teacher to test their students and let students practice.

Primary LanguageSvelte

Quiz App

  • A quiz app for tests/quizzes using existing Excel/CSV files.
  • Image support using a persistent Docker volume.
  • Single-user login system for quiz management.

Built with Svelte/TypeScript/Bootstrap + Node/Express

All generated data and images are in the /storage folder and is persisted as a docker-compose volume.


Check the Dockerfile for details, use docker-compose up --build to build & launch.

It is recommended to use deploy to Fly.io. It's free & automatically deploys the app by detecing the docker-compose file.

When Flyctl is downloaded, the setup is simple:

Using Fly.io

You might need to log in via flyctl auth login first. If debit card is tied, you get a 3GB volume/storage. Else you're limited to 1GB.

One time setup

Run these commands one-by-one, replace the secrets with anything you like:

flyctl launch
flyctl secrets set ADMIN_USERNAME=secret
flyctl secrets set ADMIN_PASSWORD=deusvult
flyctl secrets set SESSION_SECRET=YourSessionSecretHerePleaseChangeItToSomethingElse
flyctl volume create storage --size 1 --region fra # --size 3 if debit card tied to account
flyctl restart

After setup

  • flyctl deploy to deploy for every update.

Useful commands

  • flyctl logs to view logs
  • flyctl ssh console to connect to the app terminal
  • flyctl restart restart the app



  • Node
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose

Build & start the app, served by Express on localhost:8999


For dealing with only the UI on localhost:8080

npm start