
Template React + Express + Prisma Project Boilerplate for SPARCS Newbie Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Example Prisma + Express + React (JS) Project Setup for SPARCS Newbie Seminar (by Night)

How to Run

Operating System

  1. This project template uses Makefile, Environment Variables, Bash Scripts which may encounter some trouble in non-UNIX systems
  2. Using Linux / MacOS OR WSL2 is recommended

Installing Docker

Using Docker is required to use the packaged postgres database

For Linux Systems, note Docker Installation Docs

For MacOS / Windows, Install Docker Desktop

[Common Errors]

Error response from daemon: Bad response from Docker engine
  • Check if Docker Desktop is runninng
docker: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.35/containers/create: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied. See 'docker run --help'.
  • Docker requires SUDO privileges to run.

Setting up .env Files

Environment variables are used to manage environment-specific values (like port numbers, API Endpoints etc.) and secrets.

.env.* files are NOT uploaded to Git using .gitignore

Environment variables can be defined by adding KEY=VALUE pairs in .env files. (This is loaded through vite or dotenv or docker)

Environment variables can be accessed in JavaScript using process.env.VARIABLE_NAME


  • cp .docker/.env.example .docker/.env


  • Development (with yarn dev / yarn start)

    • cp server/.env.development.example server/.env.development
    • This environment will only get loaded in development
  • Production (with yarn production)

    • cp server/.env.production.example server/.env.production
    • This environment will only get loaded in production


  • Development (with yarn dev)
    • cp client/.env.development.example client/.env.development
    • This environment will only get loaded in development
    • DO NOT PUT SECRETS IN CLIENT .env (This will be sent to the user)
  • Production (with yarn build -> dist)
    • cp client/.env.production.example client/.env.production
    • This environment will only get loaded in production
    • DO NOT PUT SECRETS IN CLIENT .env (This will be sent to the user)

Installing Packages

node v18.12 is required. Install using nvm use.

It is recommended to use yarn v1 npm install --global yarn

Yarn v1 is fully compatible with NPM.

  • yarn install
  • cd client && yarn install
  • cd server && yarn install

When adding packages, Remember to check the Current Working Directory

yarn add <Package Name> for CLIENT (REACT) should only be installed in /client

yarn add <Package Name> for SERVER (EXPRESS) should only be installed in /server


Starting the Server


  • make run-dev
    • Starts the Postgres server @localhost:POSTGRES_PORT
  • make stop-dev
    • Stops the Postgres server
  • yarn dev
    • Starts Dev Servers for both Client & Server
    • Fully Supports Hot-Reloading

Folder Structure (Monorepo)


  • The root directory
  • You can run yarn dev to run both client & server locally at the same time
  • You should almost never run yarn add in the root directory
  • Contains Makefiles to run Docker Container containing Postgres


  • The client directory
  • Contains React + FrontEnd Code (in JS)
  • Uses Vite (SWC)


  • The server directory
  • Contains Express + Prisma Setup

Repository Structure