About application

This application was created to born amazing articles with a help of Jsonplaceholder's samples. It's fully responsive.

How it works?

First think first it is necessary to start server. https://github.com/UraFIZ/json-server.git .It works on localhost:3001 As soon as you visit the site the first thing you see will be select. This select provides three options, each of which will return you an array of 5 blanks from Jsonplaceholder api. These 5 blanks contain text and a button, when clicked, you will be taken to the step form to create an article. At the first step, data is filled in the form fields with the blank you have selected, and photos are downloaded from the api. This stepform consists of 2 steps. Upon completion of filling out the form in the right section of the site you will see the created article. In this case you will see, in the blank on the basis of which the article was created, an inactive button. Once you have deleted the article you will this this button active. Articles are saved in the local server but posts are no.


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