- 0
"Rate app-name" link goes to the app's App Store page, not the "write review" page
#141 opened by ericbenwa - 1
package.swift is missing
#138 opened by Vithanco - 0
All Armchair .lproj files are included with cocoapods "use_frameworks! :linkage => :static"
#144 opened by lukemmtt - 1
Move localizations into separate bundle
#67 opened by virl - 1
Major bug with app review!
#139 opened by OlionCompany - 1
- 0
When RateApp function is called from a presented model view, not presenting the rate app screen
#104 opened by vazra - 0
I want to hide cancel/No thanks button and give user 2 options (Rate Now, Remind me later) only.
#137 opened by mohit196 - 1
- 0
- 0
Swift 4.0 support
#133 opened by jeromeDefReputation - 0
Import Error and Shared Instance Error
#132 opened by TyrantBoy - 1
Prompt is showing , but after pressing Rate now button not showing , juts infinite loading
#130 opened by FaizalMalik - 2
Cannot build with Carthage
#129 opened by aehlke - 1
SKStoreReviewController keeps showing even though daysBeforeReminding is set to 3 and significantEventsUntilPrompt is set to 40.
#128 opened by WingYn - 1
#124 opened by MartinMoizard - 4
userDidSignificantEvent not working
#82 opened by Arti3DPlayer - 1
AlertController not showing up with warning: Attempt to present UIAlertController on UINavigationController whose view is not in the window hierarchy!
#120 opened by sandeepbol - 2
Mac Version doesn't compile
#117 opened by Vithanco - 1
Armchair & UIAlertView
#115 opened by writing-shed - 1
Can't get this working in Debug mode
#116 opened by writing-shed - 1
Multiple Prompts at once
#114 opened by NightWarrior - 2
'UIAlertView' is deprecated for iOS 9.0+
#106 opened by vazra - 2
Check for Simulator not working
#78 opened by OliverZiegler - 1
Cant figure it out
#113 opened by NightWarrior - 3
- 2
'No, thanks' is in Bold and at the bottom
#100 opened by ArturoLee - 2
Project fails to compile using carthage
#88 opened by lucqui - 11
iOS 10.3 API
#85 opened by jackcsk - 1
skstorereviewcontroller Compatibility
#101 opened by xbomber360 - 7
- 6
- 1
Armchair isn't working with fast release cycles
#96 opened by blixt - 1
Rating popup is still displaying after rating.
#97 opened by hardik99 - 1
Using the store kit review prompt will ask for reviews forever if the user taps "Not Now"
#93 opened by ari3l - 17
swift 3
#71 opened by kapellanos - 1
Can't get this to work correctly.
#91 opened by jimijon - 1
- 2
getRootViewController won't work correctly.
#81 opened by RyogaK - 1
Is Armchair still being maintained?
#84 opened by freak4pc - 0
Armchair has no member named resetAllCounters
#83 opened by reicamargo - 1
ratingConditionsHaveBeenMet() not public
#77 opened by brownpixel - 0
Module Not Found?
#68 opened by jdulb17 - 2
Trouble with versions ?
#70 opened by dirkbartels14050 - 1
- 2
Carthage: issue with error "dyld: Symbol not found: __TMPdCSs18_HeapBufferStorage"
#64 opened by stefat - 1
Not able to install 0.1.2 via cocoapods
#63 opened by GreyEcologist - 4
userHasRatedCurrentVersion private
#61 opened by ed-mejia - 5
Carthage with specified version
#59 opened by JagCesar - 1
showPrompt() not working, no error being logged
#60 opened by bdrelling