
Easily access R templates for the Urban Institute

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


NOTE: This project is still under active development.

NOTE: All publications still need to go throught the normal COMM process.

library(urbntemplates) contains tools and templates for managing analysis workflows at the Urban Institute. It heavily relies on functions and functionality from usethis.


You can install the latest version of urbntemplates from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools")


library(urbntemplates) contains three families of functions:

start_project() generates a new project with a .Rproj, README, and .gitignore at the specified location on a machine.

construct_*() functions add multiple, related templates and documents to a project directory or sub-directory. The templates and documents are related in important ways. For example, construct_shiny() adds app.R and an R Shiny specific CSS. It also adds instructions for using the selected template.

use_*() functions add individual templates and documents to a project directory or sub directory.

A sensible workflow is:

  1. Start a new project and create a .Rproj by submitting urbntemplates::start_project(). This will create and open a new .Rproj.
  2. Inside the .Rproj, add the necessary documents for a part of a project, like a Shiny application, with a construct_*() function.
  3. Add any desired remaining templates or documents with use_*() functions.


construct_*() functions are useful on their own. If you have an existing project, just use construct_*() to add all of the necessary templates and documents for creating a product like a branded slide show or an R Markdown web report.

start function

  • start_project()

construct functions

  • construct_shiny()
  • construct_fact_sheet_html()
  • construct_fact_sheet_pdf()
  • construct_slide_show()
  • construct_web_report()

use functions

  • use_content()
  • use_css()
  • use_fact_sheet_html()
  • use_fact_sheet_pdf()
  • use_git_ignore_urbn()
  • use_instructions()
  • use_iterate()
  • use_preamble()
  • use_revealjs()
  • use_shiny_app()
  • use_readme_readme()
  • use_web_report()


Code released under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

Code of conduct

Please note that the “urbntemplates” project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.