Hi there, this is a little bit of explaining about this project: pursuant to the previous task i have added some operators to the Graph


  • ariel: Encapsulates the functionalities within the ariel namespace. Graph.cpp This class represents the Graph object with some functionalities that needed


This header file defines the Algorithms class which provides various graph algorithms implemented in C++.

Class: Algorithms

This class provides various graph algorithms:

  • isConnected(Graph& g): Checks if a graph is connected and returns 1 if it is, 0 otherwise.
  • shortestPath(Graph &g, int start, int end): Finds the shortest path between two vertices in a graph and returns it as a string. If there is no path, it returns "-1".
  • isContainsCycle(Graph& g): Checks if a graph contains a cycle and returns a string represnt the cycle if not retuns "0"
  • isBipartite(Graph& g): Checks if a graph is bipartite and returns a string indicating the bipartition or an empty string if the graph is not bipartite.
  • negativeCycle(Graph& g): Check if there a negative cycle in a graph. If there is no negative cycle, it returns "no negative cycle". The code also posses a helper functions and all of the function was with the help of Gemini with various prompts (variant on the task)

Compiling and Running

The project uses a Makefile to compile and run the code. You can compile the code using the following command:


This will create an executable named demo. You can then run the program using the following command:


