
Using this repo to practice my CI/CD skills with Docker and GitHub actions.

Primary LanguagePython

#Simple Flask CD pipeline

  1. Set up GitHub Account & Repo

  2. Set up DockerHub account

  3. python3 -m venv env

  4. source env/Scripts/activate

  5. pip install flask

  6. pip freeze > requirements.txt

  7. Add your DOCKER_USERNAME, DOCKER_PASSWORD, DOCKERHUB_REPO at Github -> Settings -> Secrets

  8. GitHub-> Repo -> Action -> Publish Python package -> Set up this workflow

  9. Paste contents of python-publish.yml

  10. Start commit

  11. GitHub Repo -> Paste contents of cd_config.yml to workflow description field

  12. git add . && git commit -m"added app code" && git push

  13. Navigate to DockerHub & discover your freshly built & served image of Flask App!

Detailed instructions: https://www.section.io/engineering-education/ci-cd-pipelines-with-flask-docker-and-github-actions/