Labors of Heracles #3: the birds of Lake Stymphalus

Prerequisite: clone this repository.

To begin, let's have a quick look at the code. In this new challenge, we will integrate an HTML interface to improve our game. So you will find an index.html file and a linked style.css file. At the bottom of the index.html, you will find the imports of the different js files. Please note that the order is important. In the index.html file, there is almost nothing. The html templates are prepared and injected directly, as the objects are implemented. You can browse them but you do not need to touch them in the process of the workshop. However, you will be ask to consume some of its features.

The HTML Hero zone is created directly from the index.js (line 18 to 20).


A new challenge awaits our champion, slaying the monstrous birds of Lake Stymphalus. Heracles (and his equipment) as well as three birds are already instantiated in index.js (Line 3 to 16).

Currently both birds and heroes are instances of the Fighter class. However, if they have common properties specific to fighters (name, life, dexterity, strength...) some characteristics differ. For example, only Hero will be able to wear equipment (Shield, Weapon...).

It should therefore not be possible to attribute a sword to a bird, but it is currently possible. To solve this design problem, you have to go through inheritance.

  • Created two classes Hero and Monster, each inheriting from Fighter. The properties common to both will remain in Fighter, those specific to Hero (Weapon and Shield) will move to Hero. The Monster class currently only extends Fighter without further modification.

  • Moreover, the getDamage() and getDefense() methods have a different behavior between a monster and a hero. In the first case, only strength and dexterity are taken into account, in the case of the hero, the values ​​returned also take into account the characteristics of weapons and armor. The getDamage() and getDefense() methods must therefore exist in Fighter to reflect the simplest case, and be rewritten in Hero to take equipment into account (which normally corresponds to the current code of Fighter at the end of the previous workshop).

  • In index.js, modify the instantiations to take into account its new classes, Hero for Heracles and Monster for the 3 birds. (Line 3, 14, 15, 16)


Another design change appears with this new event. Here, Heracles no longer fights against a single monster, but against a multitude. Currently, a Fighter doesn't have a way to know all the other Fighters in the fight. It would be possible to create an adversaries property in Fighter, but each Fighter would have to contain all the others, which would be quite redundant and not allow an easy overview.

A better solution is to create a new class Arena which would contain all the Fighter as well as methods to manipulate them (make them fight each other, move them around the arena, etc.). In addition, this arena can be used as a support for a map on which to place the Fighter and thus add positioning to the gameplay of our game.

  • Created an Arena class containing the properties monsters (an array of Monster objects) and hero (a Hero object). For simplicity, we will assume that we necessarily have a single hero in an arena and one or more monsters. Also create a constructor() which will take a hero and an array of monsters as parameters. Also add a size property (integer with default value 10) which will indicate the size of the arena. Then don't forget to add it at the bottom of the index.html file with the other POO files

  • We want to position fighters in the arena: add the x and y properties in Fighter and modify Monster and Hero. This will allow you to give a position to the fighters (Remember to add the values ​​between 1 and 10 when instantiating them with new)

  • In index.js, create an Arena type object by passing it heracles and the three birds that you will have put in an array.

  • Now add this code under your Arena instantiation

const ArenaHTML = new ArenaTemplate('arena'); ArenaHTML.createArena(<< My Arena instance >>);

  • Update: you must see them on a map representing your arena and your fighters on it! Modify the coordinates of each one, they must move accordingly!

The next step will be to attack the birds: this will be the second part of this workshop;)