
stable-diffusion-webui Client writen in Deno

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


stable-diffusion-webui is a awesome, and you may want to integrate it right now to your Javascript projects.

stable-diffusion-webui Client writen in Deno first.

Sample usage

By default stable-diffusion-webui run on localhost port 7860, it that the case you can omit the entry point: ''

API are disabled by default to enable APIs add in COMMANDLINE_ARGS:

  • --api to enable API access
  • --server-name= to access stable-diffusion-webui from a remote host

set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--xformers --api --server-name=

stable-diffusion-client contains a lowlevel RESP API named SDClient and a higer level API named SDHelper, access the SDClient via SDHelper.client.

List available models using Helper

import SDHelper from 'https://deno.land/x/stable_diffusion_client/mod.ts';
import { * as pc } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.167.0/fmt/colors.ts';

const helper = new SDHelper('');

const { selected, list } = await helper.getModels();
console.log(`${list.length} Model available, Selected model is: ${helper.model_name}`);

List available models using SDClient

import SDHelper from 'https://deno.land/x/stable_diffusion_client/mod.ts';
import { * as pc } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.167.0/fmt/colors.ts';

// initialize your client
const helper = new SDHelper('');
const client = helper.client;
// access the stable-diffusion-webui API

let selectHash = '';
const options = await client.sdapi.v1.options.$get();
const sd_model_checkpoint = options.sd_model_checkpoint || '';
const m = sd_model_checkpoint?.match(/(.+) \[([a-f0-9]+)\]/);
if (m) {
  selectHash = m[2];
  console.log(`sd_model_checkpoint: ${pc.white(m[1])} [${pc.brightMagenta(m[2])}]`);
const models = await client.sdapi.v1["sd-models"].$get();
console.log('Available models:')
for (const model of models) {
  const selected = (selectHash === model.hash);
  const colorize = selected ? pc.green : pc.cyan;
  console.log(` ${selected ? '*' : '-'} ${colorize(model.model_name).padEnd(30, ' ')} [${pc.brightMagenta(model.hash)}] config File: ${pc.white(model.config)}`);

Start a txt2img generation using Helper

import { SDHelper } from 'https://deno.land/x/stable_diffusion_client/mod.ts';

const helper = new SDHelper('');

 * use txt2img
const body: StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img = {
    prompt: "a fluffy rabbit with a gun shooting at flying ducks",
    steps: 10,
    batch_size: 1,
    width: 768,
    height: 768,
    cfg_scale: 7,
    sampler_name: "Euler a",
Deno.mkdirSync('out', { recursive: true });
for (let k = 0; k < 1; k++) {
    const img = await helper.txt2img(body);
    const imgId = Date.now();
    console.log(`request ${imgId} done`);
    await Deno.writeTextFile(`out/${imgId}.txt`, `info: ${img.info}\nparams: ${JSON.stringify(img.parameters)}\n`);
    if (img.images) {
        for (let i = 0; i < img.images.length; i++) {
            const fn = `out/${imgId}.${i}.png`;
            await Deno.writeFile(fn, img.images[i]);
            console.log(`write img to ${pc.green(fn)}`)