iniDBI(IMPROVED) - A simple server-side database extension using INI files Authors: inidbi - v1.4 x64 uro - inidbi - v1.4 code34 - inidbi - v1.3 code34 - inidbi - v1.2 code34 - inidbi - v1.1 code34 - inidb - v1.0 SicSemperTyrannis How to use: To use "iniDBI" in your mission, install the extension in your ARMA2 or ARMA3 directory by copying the entire "@inidbi" folder included in the download to your root directory. Don't forget to copy over over or create the /db/ folder. It should look like: /Arma 3/@inidbi/iniDB.dll It should look like: /Arma 3/@inidbi/iniDB_x64.dll It should look like: /Arma 3/@inidbi/db/ It should look like: /Arma 3/@inidbi/Addons/inidbi.pbo Then in your mission init.sqf, somewhere before you want to use the functions do this: call compile preProcessFile "\inidbi\init.sqf"; It should be noted that when you install the @inidbi folder you can delete the /examples/ directory from there if you please, they serve no purpose in that folder. You have permission to use, upload or otherwise distribute this as please, just mention differents authors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGELOG 13-june-2017 - updated to vs2015 platform - added x64 build options for Arma3_x64.exe compatability 06-february-2014 - inidbi - add deletekey method - fix private declaration 14-Decembrer-2013 - inidbi - add deletesection feature - fix buffer size 12-December-2013 - inidbi - fix string serialize 16-November-2013 - inidbi - check input/output data type - add log messages 01-November-2013 - inidbi - increase buffer 8k - check size of written data - change output function 13-March-2013 - Module - Initial Release - init.sqf - Initial Release ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For KillzoneKid's updates to make_file.dll he created a page on his blog containing x64 versions of his DLL's, you can find those on his website @ For users looking for x64 versions of other common extensions used along with inidb such as make_file you should check the appropriate authors website. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------