
Mapping, Data structure, database, oracle, mysql, sql, nosql, onetoone, onetomany, manytomany, jdbc, jpa, API, ORM

Primary LanguageJava

High-Performance-Java-Persistence: Projects and Architecture Design. Database Stuructes and Connectivity


Session-1 and 2. Fundamental ORM && JDBC and Database Essentials

Mapping, Data structure, database, oracle, mysql, sql, nosql, onetoone, onetomany, manytomany, jdbc, jpa, API, Orm

Just like the unidirectional @OneToMany relationship can be optimized by allowing the child-side to control this association, the @ManyToMany mapping can be transformed so that the junction table is mapped to an entity.

Screen Shot 2020-10-08 at 11 55 25 AM

Online Market Project: Figure -1. Real Database Stucture.

Screen Shot 2020-09-19 at 10 24 02 PM

Most Online market project has been complated database stucture and Spring Boot.

Session-3. Load Balancing Teorical and Implementation practical

Session-4. Market Project (Database Mapping and GraphQL API stucture design)

  • Total all arguments included
  • No security added
  • GraphQL API

Session-5. Market Project (Database Mapping and REST API stucture design)

  • Total all arguments included
  • No security added
  • Restfull API

Updated Database Schema and Using GraphQL API implementation. Product and Coupong (@ManyToOne) integration. Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 5 59 58 PM


  1. High-Performance-Java-Persistence

Most Recommend Materials for Reading

  1. Top 5 Books to Learn Hibernate and JPA for Java Developer
  2. My favorite courses to learn Software Architecture in 2020 — Best of Lot
  3. 25 Software Design Interview Questions to Crack Any Programming and Technical Interviews