
The Rust Programming Language. From Scratch to Advanced Project and Language approach.

Primary LanguageRust


The Rust Programming Language

Most of Project source code used to IntelliJ IDEA (install Plugin Rust) or using just browser playground. Rust Create New Project.

Part-1. Getting Started

Part-2. Sample Projects

  • Projects and Concepts

Resource for References:

My Coding and Represents projects are included in git, and you guys can possible clone for develop Your Rust Projects. Mainly, I plan separated two parts of my reources: Conceptual and Coding resources.

  • Conceptual Refrences:
  1. Creative Projects for Rust Programmers

  2. Rust books

  3. Why Rust?

  4. Why AWS loves Rust ~?!

  5. Idiomatic Rust

  6. Why Discord is switching from Go to Rust

  7. Rust Books

  8. How to often does Rust change?

  • Coding Projects References:
  1. The Rust Programming Language [online book and materials]

  2. Which Programming Languagues Use the Least Electricity?

  3. Rewritten in Rust: Modern Alternatives of Command-Line Tools

  4. Writing Rust in Easy English

  5. Clear explanation of Rust’s module system

  6. Writing OS in Rust

  7. Project and Publication in Rust

  8. Rust Fronend Project