
Upper level from your current status, just read and implement in your life.


Reading and Learning every single day, knowledge is important.

Non-fiction Books

Title Address Reading
The Post American World (Release 2.0) pick up Done
Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career pick up Done
Корейская волна pick up Done
«Вторжение. Краткая история русских хакеров» Отрывок из книги Даниила Туровского о главном спамере России и его связях с ФСБ pick up Done
Deep Work Cal Newport pick up Done

Applicaiton Architecture Books

Title Address Reading
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecuture pick up Reading
Clean Code pick up Done
Learning React pick up Done
5 Practical React Project pick up DONE
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Third Edition pick up Reading
Thinking in Java pick up Reading
Design Pattern Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software pick up Reading
Dive Into DESIGN PATTERNS pick up Reading

Resources to become Better Software Engineer

Title Address Reading
Intoduction to Algorithms pick up Reading
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java 2nd Edition pick up Done
Competitive Programmer’s Handbook pick up Done
Desining Data-Intensive Applications pick up Reading

2022 plan and future reading list.

Last Update (17.12.2021)