
My own list of modern GAN tricks I come across

GAN Tricks 2020

My own list of modern GAN tricks I come across.

Training Tricks

Loss functions

  • Use Mescheder's R1/R2 losses for better convergence. Mescheder et al. 2018. Code.

Activation functions

  • Don't use ReLU; it's possibly bad at low-->high dimension transformations [1][2]. Try a fourier activation or smooth activation like Swish (a.k.a. SiLU) instead.


  • Train generators and discriminators with different learning rates

Data augmentation

  • Use Differentiable Augmentation to reduce the required training data from ~70k to ~1k-2k, perhaps even the hundreds. Zhao et al. 2020. Code.

Output Quality

  • For HD resolution, use ProgressiveGrowing as your base architecture. Either that or explore some of the recent AutoEncoder approaches (though these aren't GANs), e.g. ALAE
  • If you can afford it, add some self-attention like stated here. Self-Attention GAN is originally here.

Architecture Tricks

  • Throw some linear layers between the latent space and convolution layers. According to the StyleGAN paper, it helps disentangle the latent space.

Style encoding

Latent Space Tricks

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