#Docker Image of Spring Boot
-This demo is just to create a docker image of springboot application.
-The process to Create a Spring boot project is same.
- You must have install docker from Docker Hub according to OS i.e Windows,Mac
- Prepare Docker File
-Primarily File name should be "Dockerfile" its predecided by docker -1st of Dockerfile "FROM openjdk:8" Define the Image/lang/tool on which it runs -2nd Line "ADD target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar " simply tells that take jar from target dir and make it part of Dockerfile -3rd line simply inform about the port exposed -4th Line explain how to execute the jar file from EntryPoint.
#Docker Commands To Build Image and run that Image -- #Build command docker build -f Dockerfile -t docker-demo-springboot
-"docker build" is the build method/indicator to the docker
- -f is a param of file -t is for you to give tagname to your image <>Docker file location in your system
--#Run Image command docker run -d -p 8085:8085 docker-demo-springboot
- docker run is a method to start a container which take folllowing params
- -d means detached from console and run on background you can skip that
- -p 8085:8085 means that it will be pushed from dockers 8085 port your system 8085 port last param is the name of image