
This is Traefik middleware plugin to extract host from the HTTP request and put it to a new header.

Primary LanguageGo

Rewrite Host

Rewrite host is a middleware plugin for Traefik which extracts host and put it to specified header.



  token = "xxxx"

  modulename = "github.com/Uscreen-video/traefik-plugin-rewritehost"
  version = "v0.0.1"


To configure the Rewrite Host plugin you should create a middleware in your dynamic configuration as explained here. The following example creates and uses the rewritehost middleware plugin to create a new header with extracted data from host.

      rule = "Host(`localhost`)"
      service = "my-service"
      middlewares = ["rewritehost"]

        url = ""

      create    = "X-Origin-Domain"    //required