
AngularJS module that adds user authentication to your app with UserApp.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

UserApp AngularJS

AngularJS module that adds user authentication to your app with UserApp. It supports protected/public routes, rerouting on login/logout, heartbeats for status checks, stores the session token in a cookie, directives for signup/login/logout, OAuth, etc.

UserApp is a cloud-based user management API for web apps with the purpose to relieve developers from having to program logic for user authentication, sign-up, invoicing, feature/property/permission management, and more.

Getting Started

Take the course on Codecademy


  1. Include the UserApp JavaScript library and this AngularJS module in your index.html:

     <script src="https://app.userapp.io/js/userapp.client.js"></script>
     <script src="https://rawgithub.com/userapp-io/userapp-angular/master/angularjs.userapp.js"></script>

(You can also install the module with bower: $ bower install userapp-angular)

  1. Add the UserApp module to your app's dependencies (app.js):

     var app = angular.module('myApp', ['UserApp']);
  2. Inject and initiate the service in your root scope (app.js) with your App Id:

     app.run(function($rootScope, user) {
         user.init({ appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID' });
  3. Create routes + templates for login and signup, and use the directives to connect them to UserApp (examples: login.html and signup.html):

     $routeProvider.when('/login', {templateUrl: 'partials/login.html'});
     $routeProvider.when('/signup', {templateUrl: 'partials/signup.html'});

Note: If you are using ui-router, all you have to do is to create states instead of the routes above.

  1. Set public to true on the routes you want to make public. And set login to true on the login route:

     $routeProvider.when('/login', {templateUrl: 'partials/login.html', public: true, login: true});
     $routeProvider.when('/signup', {templateUrl: 'partials/signup.html', public: true});

The .otherwise() route should be set to where you want your users to be redirected after login. Example:

	$routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/home'});

Note: If you are using ui-router, place the public and login flags inside data instead.

  1. Add a log out link:

     <a href="#" ua-logout>Log Out</a>

(Ends the session and redirects to the login route)

  1. Hide elements that should only be visible when logged in:

     <div ng-show="user.authorized">Welcome!</div>
  2. Use the user object to access properties on the logged in user:

     <div ng-show="user.authorized">Welcome {{ user.first_name }}!</div>
  3. Read this documention and the UserApp Documentation to learn how to use the full API!



The main service with all session handling etc.

  • user.init(config)

    Initiate the service with your App Id.

      user.init({ appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID' });
  • user.status()

    Returns the status of the session:

      { authorized: false }
  • user.appId([value])

    Sets and gets the App Id.

  • user.token([value])

    Sets and gets the session token (stored in a cookie).

  • user.current

    The logged in user. See User documentation for more info.

  • user.signup(user[, callback])

    Sign up a user, log in, and redirect to default route.

      user.signup({ login: 'timothy', email: 'timothy.johansson@userapp.io', password: 't1m0thy' }, function(error, result) {});
  • user.login(user[, callback])

    Log in a user and redirect to default route.

      user.login({ login: 'timothy', password: 't1m0thy' }, function(error, result) {});
  • user.logout([callback])

    Log out the logged in user and redirect to the log in route.

      user.logout(function(error, result) {});
  • user.hasPermission(permissions)

    Returns true if the user has all the permissions in the string or array permissions. Else it returns false.

      var result = user.hasPermission('edit');
      var result = user.hasPermission(['edit', 'post']);
  • user.hasFeature(features)

    Returns true if the user has all the features in the string or array features. Else it returns false.

      var result = user.hasFeature('editor');
      var result = user.hasFeature(['editor', 'another_feature']);


Exposes the full UserApp API with the JavaScript library.


  • ua-login

    Add this to a form tag to attach it to the user.login() function. Use ua-error to specify an error element.

      <form ua-login ua-error="error-msg">
      	<input name="login" placeholder="Username"><br>
      	<input name="password" placeholder="Password" type="password"><br>
      	<button type="submit">Log In</button>
      	<p id="error-msg"></p>
  • ua-logout

    Add this to a log out link to attach it to the user.logout() function.

      <a href="#" ua-logout>Log Out</a>
  • ua-signup

    Add this to a form tag to attach it to the user.signup() function. Use ua-error to specify an error element. Use ua-is-email on the login input to specify that login is the same as email. All input field names must reflect the user's properties.

      <form ua-signup ua-error="error-msg">
      	<input name="first_name" placeholder="Name"><br>
      	<input name="login" ua-is-email placeholder="Email"><br>
      	<input name="password" placeholder="Password" type="password"><br>
      	<button type="submit">Create Account</button>
      	<p id="error-msg"></p>
  • ua-oauth-link

    Add this to a link tag in order to authenticate using an OAuth provider. The value should be an OAuth provider id such as google, github, facebook or linkedin. Additionally: Use ua-error to specify an error element. Use ua-oauth-scopes to specify OAuth scopes to request by provider. The scopes must be a comma-separated list of scopes, i.e. user,user:email. Use ua-oauth-redirect-uri to explicitly specify the URI to be redirected to after provider has performed authentication. If not specified, the default URI will be /#/oauth/callback/.

      <a href="" ua-oauth-link="google">Log in with Google</a>

    Read more about how to use OAuth/Social Login with UserApp.

  • ua-has-permission="permissions"

    Add this to an element to attach it to the user.hasPermission() function. The element will be hidden if not all permissions are true. Multiple permissions are separated with whitespace.

      <a href="#" ua-has-permission="edit">Edit Post</a>
  • ua-has-feature="features"

    Add this to an element to attach it to the user.hasFeature() function. The element will be hidden if not all features are true. Multiple features are separated with whitespace.

      <a href="#" ua-has-feature="fancy_feature">Go to Fancy Feature...</a>


  • user.error

    Event triggered when an error occurs.

      $rootScope.$on('user.error', function(sender, error) {
  • user.login

    Event triggered when user logs in.

      $rootScope.$on('user.login', function() {
  • user.logout

    Event triggered when user logs out.

      $rootScope.$on('user.logout', function() {


See example/ for a demo app based on angular-seed.


Contact us via email at support@userapp.io or visit our support center.
