
RabbitMQ on Docker

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Docker Repository on Quay.io Build Status

RabbitMQ, on top of Alpine.

Installation and Usage

docker pull quay.io/aptible/rabbitmq:${VERSION:-latest}

This is an image conforming to the Aptible database specification. To run a server for development purposes, execute

docker create --name data quay.io/aptible/rabbitmq
docker run --volumes-from data -h aptible -e USERNAME=aptible -e PASSPHRASE=pass -e DATABASE=db quay.io/aptible/rabbitmq --initialize
docker run --volumes-from data -h aptible -P quay.io/aptible/rabbitmq

The first command sets up a data container named data which will hold the configuration and data for the database. The second command creates a RabbitMQ instance with a hostname, username, passphrase and database name of your choice. The third command starts the database server.


The RabbitMQ server is configured to enforce SSL for any TCP connection. It uses a self-signed certificate generated at startup time.

verify_peer is set, so if a client certificate and private key is supplied RabbitMQ will verify the client. For most AMQP clients, you can only forego providing a client certificate and private key by explicitly setting verify_peer to false, as in the example below using Bunny:

Bunny.new("amqps://bunny_gem:bunny_password@", verify_peer: false)

Setting fail_if_no_peer_cert in rabbitmq.config to true forces all clients to connect using a client certificate + key.

Available Versions (Tags)

  • latest: Currently RabbitMQ 3.5.7
  • 3.5: RabbitMQ 3.5.7


Tests are run as part of the Dockerfile build.

Continuous Integration

Images are built and pushed to Quay.io on every merge to master.

Copyright and License

MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

Copyright (c) 2015 Aptible and contributors.
