
The Ruby programming language, on Docker

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT


Docker Repository on Quay.io Build Status

The Ruby programming language, on Docker.

Intended Use

This image is used internally by Aptible. We do not recommend that customers use this repo, and instead recommmend the Official Docker Ruby image : https://hub.docker.com/_/ruby

Please see our FAQ for further information.

Installation and Usage

docker pull quay.io/aptible/ruby
docker run quay.io/aptible/ruby [options]

Available Tags

  • latest: Currently Ruby 2.6.2 (don't depend on this tag: it will change over time).
  • 1.9.3-ubuntu-16.04 (aliased as 1.9.3): Ruby 1.9.3-p547
  • 2.0.0-ubuntu-16.04 (aliased as 2.0.0): Ruby 2.0.0-p648
  • 2.1-ubuntu-16.04 (aliased as 2.1): Ruby 2.1.10
  • 2.2-ubuntu-16.04 (aliased as 2.2): Ruby 2.2.10
  • 2.3-ubuntu-16.04 (aliased as 2.3): Ruby 2.3.8
  • 2.4-ubuntu-16.04 (aliased as 2.4): Ruby 2.4.5
  • 2.5-ubuntu-16.04 (aliased as 2.5): Ruby 2.5.5
  • 2.6-ubuntu-16.04 (aliased as 2.6): Ruby 2.6.2

As the name implies, those images are based on Ubuntu. You can use the Debian variants (which are slightly lighter) using the following tags:

  • 1.9.3-debian-jessie
  • 2.0.0-debian-jessie
  • 2.1-debian-jessie
  • 2.2-debian-jessie
  • 2.3-debian-jessie
  • 2.4-debian-jessie
  • 2.5-debian-jessie
  • 2.6-debian-jessie

There are other variations on those images, you can view all the available tags on Quay.


Tests are run as part of the Dockerfile build. To execute them separately within a container, run:

bats test


To push the Docker image to Quay, run the following command:

make release

Copyright and License

MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

Copyright (c) 2016 Aptible and contributors.
