Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3100 to view it in the browser.

NOTE: Scheduler is not meant to be used as standalone. It depends on user-office-backend and user-office-scheduler-backend. So to be able to run everything locally you need to have user-office-backend running then start the user-office-scheduler-backend and finally run user-office-gateway as well which connects them both and exposes endpoint http://localhost:4100 where you can query data from both services.

npm run lint

Lints typescript code and log if there are any errors.
npm run lint:fix should be used if you want to fix all auto-fixable errors and warnings.

npm run generate:local

Need to have user-office-backend, user-office-scheduler-backend and user-office-gateway running to run this command successfully.
It generates typescript sdk.ts file containing types from both user-office-backend and user-office-scheduler-backend that are shared and used in the user-office-scheduler-frontend code.

Contribution and release versioning

Please refer to the Contribution guide to get information about contributing and versioning.