
Landing Page | Prodigy InfoTech Web Development Internship Project No 01

Primary LanguageCSS

TASK 1 : Responsive Landing Page

PAGE NAME : Starlift Airways

WEBSITE: https://starlift-airline.netlify.app/

THEME : Airline Management Website


  • Developed a responsive landing page that seamlessly adapts to various screen sizes and devices
  • Gained a comprehensive understanding of responsive design principles and techniques through this task
  • Created an interactive navigation menu that changes color or style when scrolled or hovered over
  • Ensured the navigation menu has a fixed position and remains visible on all pages
  • Utilized HTML to structure the menu, CSS to style it, and JavaScript to add interactivity
  • Implemented functionality to change the background color or font color of the menu when scrolled or when a menu item is hovered over
  • Demonstrated proficiency in front-end development by successfully completing this task
  • Enhanced user experience by providing an engaging and visually appealing navigation menu
  • Applied best practices in web design to ensure a seamless and intuitive navigation experience
  • Contributed to the overall aesthetics and functionality of the website through the implementation of the interactive navigation menu.

Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, JAVACRIPT


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