
[WIP] Jam (isn't) Another Make

Primary LanguageRust

Jam (isn't) Another Make


demo movie


Jam is a TUI frontend and command runner. It's core concept is to allow a user to run common commands in the quickest way possible by mapping them to key chords, similar to emacs keybinds. It uses a YAML based configuration and supports dynamic imports (including from other command runners such as make or cargo). There is plenty of work still left to do, but it should be at least usable now.


Jam (isn't) Another Make. A task runner.


  [EXEC_ARG]     First execution argument. If using a shortcut, this is just the first character. Otherwise, it's the name of the target to execute
  [SHORTCUT]...  Individual keys that together (with EXEC_ARG) give a shortcut, uniquely identifying a jam command to execute

  -d, --dry-run                    Show what jam _would_ do, but don't actually do it
  -l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>      Adjusts the logging level [possible values: critical, error, warning, info, debug, trace, disabled]
  -c, --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>
  -h, --help                       Print help


# General options for jam.
  # Determines how to handle conflicts. Only firstnonmatch supported currently.
  reconciliation_strategy: firstnonmatch
  # Controls the log level; emitted to stderr so this requires redirection if enabled.
  log_level: disabled
# A series of scripts to execute. Each script must return a JSON document with a
# single field, "targets", containing all targets that should be merged with
# this jamfile.
  - script: "cat ./rsrc/configs/fake_import_output.json"
  - script: "python3 my_cool_importer.py"
# Define targets, the actual executable units for jam.
  # Targets have names.
  - name: "foo"
    # And can have a command they execute.
    cmd: "echo 'foo'"
  - name: "alpha"
    cmd: "echo 'foo'"
    # Specify children commands. These commands get their names prefixed with
    # their parent's name.
      - name: "baz"
        help: "runs the baz command, duh"
        cmd: "echo 'just ran alpha-baz! with '$SHELL"
      - name: "qux"
        cmd: "echo 'bam'"
        # You can specify dependencies as well. This lets you create links
        # between different targets even if they aren't hierarchically
        # connected.
          - "foo"
  - name: "ambiguous"
    cmd: "echo 'foo'"
      - name: "delta"
        cmd: "echo 'ambiguous-delta'"
      - name: "bark"
        cmd: "echo 'ambiguous-bark'"
  - name: "bar"
    cmd: "echo 'bar'"
    # This is an example of a target that has no command to execute, which is
    # allowed if you have children.
  - name: "noexeccmd"
      - name: "corge"
        help: "runs the baz command, duh"
        cmd: "printf '\n\n!!!!\n\nran the n-c command!\n\n!!!!\n\n'"
      - name: "delta"
        cmd: "echo 'bam'"