MPP Build Process Documentation

Things to know before making a build

We have several things to note before making a build, first thing would be reviewing the ticket carefully to know what you need to do for that build, the most important things to note would be the Branding if any, EMV config if any, DexGuard Licence if any, SHA Hash Key if any, package name, reader type, build type, and Environment Confluence.

Some build types we have are:

  1. externalDev
  2. internalQA
  3. secure
  4. pilot (Production) BuildTypes defines what type of builds we're making.

Some readers type (readers_supported) are: The readers types are:

  1. InDevice
  2. InDevicePin
  3. Datecs
  4. Dspread Readers defines the type of readers the app supports.

Steps to follow to make different builds

We will make use of some tickets that we've already worked on as our example tickets for this process.

When a ticket is given, e.g The requirement is to:

  1. Update EMV config file,
  2. Hide App icon from phone menu

To achieve this, we have to go to the project on our local machine On the projeect, first checkout to develop branch, git pull to get latest changes, then git checkout -b [branach-name] (in this case we use the ticket number plus description for the branch name, e.g VUBSVK-33/update_emv_config) to create a new branch for the task,

Now checking on the ticket, the title say New VUB Production build with correct EMV Configuration meaning that we are to make a Production build. So let's navigate to where we can update our EMV config file, on the project (android-goodfellow), then open app\src\client, in here you'll see packages for different clients, for the seek of this example, we need circleblueintesa, open circleblueintesa\indevice\vub, inside of it we have two packages, dev and live, dev is for development builds, while live is for production builds, so we'll open live => res => raw, inside raw we have emv_config.json this is the file we need to update,


We can now go to the ticket and download the attached emv file, then replace with the one currently on the app.

Screenshot 2022-02-24 at 11 57 00 PM

Once done with updating the emv, next would be to HIDE THE APP ICON ON DEVEICE. To do that we need to go to the Manifest file for the client (Manifiest file inside circleblueintessa) and add this two line of code inside the activity


After that, next thing that should be done, would be to update build version on app build.gradle, increase the patch number, example from 27 to 28.


Now we're ready to make a PR. Once PR is review/approve and Complete, go back to terminal and checkout to develop branch, pull to get update branch, checkout to qa branch, pull to update qa branch, rebase develop into qa, now we're ready to make our build tags

#Making Build tags We create a build tag using this format: RELEASE-1.58.28-INDEVICEPIN-SODIUM_VUB_LIVE-PILOT, 1.58.28 we know is the versioning number, INDEVICEPIN is gotten from the ticket, Reader will be specified, SODIUM_VUB_LIVE endpoint name (sodium-live-vub), it can be gotten by navigating to where we have all the endpoints, open prod.yaml, search for VUB, then PILOT is for live.


on the terminal type git tag 1.58.28 enter, then git tag RELEASE-1.58.28-INDEVICEPIN-SODIUM_VUB_LIVE-PILOT enter, then git push --tags, the git push to push all changes on qa branch. Now head over to the browser, open android-ternimal-app repo, click on Pipelines, select Pipeline on the dialog that appears,

Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 12 36 18 AM

Then locate the Goodfellow-CI-Android-Prod

Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 12 38 25 AM

Then select Run pipeline

Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 12 42 09 AM

Click on develop, click on tags, enter the tag number, enter the endpoint name and the Reader type, then run the build.

See short samle clip below

Once the build is done, click to open, clip on artifact to get the build, or click on published to get the build,

Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 1 30 30 AM

Download build with protected and mapping file Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 1 34 50 AM

You can then use clientside-wiki project to make a folder for your build

Sample templete

#externalDev , internalQA , secure , pilot
#InDevice , InDevicePin, Datecs , Dspread
envs=(“tungsten-live” “sodium-live”)


you can now upload your build to Release Candidate - Android

Share the link on the ticket, share the link on the Mobile Deployments channel and tag the reporter on the ticket, then share link on Release Candidates - Android channel


You are done with that build, same thing applies if you're to make any other build.

Adding a New QA Endpoint

Here we'll be using QA3 endpoint as an example, Sample ticket: Sample PR:

To add a new Endpoint, first confirm the ticket requirements, then proceed to Environment Confluence page Here is the confluence page for QA3 (

Using the information on the conflience page we can generate this code just following the previous pattern


The only thing that'll not be provided will be trusted-app: => dependency: you have to generate it from android-ta-registry repo (

When you're on the repo, click on Pipelines and select Pipelines from the dialog,

On the list of Pipelines, select sbs - TA v3

Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 2 25 40 AM

On the list of Pipelines, select sbs - TA v3, then click on Run pipeline


Were we have the highlight fields, you replace it with the code below, which are all from QA3 confluence page
- buildServiceUrl:
  stackName: qa-3
  category: nonlive
  taId: b7389f36-2376-47e8-02b8-08d9f31e5a64

Once the build is successful, go back to the android-ta-registry repo, then open nonelive,

Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 2 35 23 AM

Then locate qa3 folder, you should now see the generated files, the dependency is what we want, copy the dependency to the project


Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 2 35 23 AM

After that, you have to increase versioning number in app build.gradle. Then add the new qa endpoint in mainline-pipeline.yml


Finally, it's to add the endpoint in android-pos-app and create a PR
