
Android is the ideal platform for developing such an application due to the wide variety of devices it supports. android developer, Java, Android Studio, Xml · It is a system developed in android studio through which faculty can register the number of students in a particular class then register the number of subjects in that class and can mark the attendance of the students.

Features Available

Admin Module

  • Add Student.
  • Add Faculty.
  • Add Teacher.
  • View Student.
  • View Teacher.
  • View Student Attendance.
  • View each student’s attendance separately

Teacher Module

  • Take attendance and keep them class wise
  • Add New student. View each student’s attendance separately
  • Edit Student/Attendance later
  • Save notes subject wise
  • Simple  designed interface

Software Requirement

  • Android Studio
  • Latest Version
  • Internet Connection
  • Java

Admin Login

  • Username :-admin
  • Password :-admin123