
Empowering the Ones who NEVER GIVE UP!!


  • The Disabled person can access local service providers like Banks, Malls, Toilets etc.Service Provider registration will be done via HelpU Website.Once the service provider is registered, the services will be list up in our HelpU app.
  • Added Public Transport Booking Feature. For Example- if we take the usage of Cab Booking, the user will enter the initial and final locations and automatically he/she will be redirected to Ola/Uber app and then they have to just book the cab.
  • Added Help-Desk Feature in our App. For Example- If Ram is a disabled person and he needs urgent help.In this case he can put his help request in our help desk and a notification will be sent to all the HelpU personally-verified Volunteers who can help Ram.
  • If a Disabled person is not able to express thoughts verbally, then our TEXT-to-SPEECH feature will help the person to communicate overcoming all the barriers.
  • If a person needs any service like Wheelchair Booking, Helper Booking or Rent a Crutch then he/she can easily check their availability and book them in advance in order to avoid last time chaos.This Feature is analogous to the Cinema Ticket Booking System at
  • If a Disabled person needs any kind of financial assistance,then he/she can raise a funding request in the HelpU app. If the request turns out to be genuine then we will conduct a series of CrowdFunding Rounds in which people from well-to-do families can directly help the person via our Razorpay Payment Gateway.
  • So If a person is suffering from Fumbling or is mute person, for those people we have integrated some daily-life action/ expression cards which is really helpful for the people to communicate in public places confidently.

We understand the urgent need of the hour to help out this section of people and we are committed to cater their needs. This initiative can become a giant leap in helping disabled people and boost their confidence so that they can try to make their lives better. This is right time for everyone of us to move towards towards this initiative.Together WE CAN and WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE😊....

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