in python you can implement queue using various methods. This study is comparing the performance of these techniques
We will take a look at two such methods: Using List as a queue and using queue.Queue()
L = []
L.append(1) --> Adding 1 to the queue
L.append(2) --> Adding 2 to the queue
L.append(3) --> Adding 3 to the queue
L.pop(0) --> Popping the element at 0 : ans will be 1
L.pop(0) --> Popping the element at 0 : ans will be 2
L.pop(0) --> Popping the element at 0 : ans will be 3
import queue
Q = queue.Queue()
Q.get() --> Popping the first element : ans will be 1
Q.get() --> Popping the first element : ans will be 2
Q.get() --> Popping the first element : ans will be 3
We would like to see which implementation is more effective.
Note: For this test, I am comparing the time for inserting elements in the queue, and removing them
The time needed to insert N elements using queue.Queue() seems to increase w.r.t N, where as for the List implementation, the time is almost constant
The time needed to remove all N elements using queue.Queue() seems to increase w.r.t N, where as for the List implementation, the time increases non linearly w.r.t N