Constantly learning and growing student, diving into the world of C++, DSA and coding. Have high quality knowledge of C, python, Java and OOPs.
Gwalior (M.P.)
Pinned Repositories
Various programs on number system (based on console).
Pong is a classic arcade game with responsive and addictive gameplay that includes single and two player modes. The game is designed with a nostalgic feel and features music. Give it a try and relive the nostalgia! 🎮👍
This versatile tool handles arithmetic computations, calculates trigonometric values in both radians and degrees, converts between binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems, evaluates logarithmic expressions, and even tackles quadratic and cubic equations
Snake Game (console based application). In this classic game, control the snake using arrow keys or w,a,s,d keys. The snake is depicted with a large 'O' for the head and small 'o's for the tail. Keep an eye out for the '@' symbol representing the fruit, while the walls are denoted by '#' with walls acting as transporters.
A Snake game based on GUI. This revamped Snake Game with an immersive GUI, dynamic sounds 🎵 (background, eating and gameover), and interactive gameplay.
This repository hosts the source code and assets for my latest endeavor - the development of a classic Tetris game!🌟 The game is designed with nostalgic music and feel. Give it a try and relive the nostalgia! 🎮🧩👍
SFML version of the tetris game
Utkarsh-Dikshit's Repositories
This repository hosts the source code and assets for my latest endeavor - the development of a classic Tetris game!🌟 The game is designed with nostalgic music and feel. Give it a try and relive the nostalgia! 🎮🧩👍
Various programs on number system (based on console).
Pong is a classic arcade game with responsive and addictive gameplay that includes single and two player modes. The game is designed with a nostalgic feel and features music. Give it a try and relive the nostalgia! 🎮👍
This versatile tool handles arithmetic computations, calculates trigonometric values in both radians and degrees, converts between binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems, evaluates logarithmic expressions, and even tackles quadratic and cubic equations
Snake Game (console based application). In this classic game, control the snake using arrow keys or w,a,s,d keys. The snake is depicted with a large 'O' for the head and small 'o's for the tail. Keep an eye out for the '@' symbol representing the fruit, while the walls are denoted by '#' with walls acting as transporters.
A Snake game based on GUI. This revamped Snake Game with an immersive GUI, dynamic sounds 🎵 (background, eating and gameover), and interactive gameplay.
SFML version of the tetris game