
Data augmentation is not used

XinyuCai137 opened this issue · 0 comments

The data augmentation functions are defined but never used:

self.augs_funcs[aug_name] = aug_to_func[aug_name]

It should follow the RAD implementation:

obs, action, reward, next_obs, not_done = replay_buffer.sample_rad(self.augs_funcs)

Therefore, using the --data_augs will not make any difference

Augmentations can be specified through the `--data_augs` flag. This codebase supports the augmentations specified in data_augs.py and taken from [RAD](https://github.com/MishaLaskin/rad) codebase. To chain multiple data augmentation simply separate the augmentation strings with a - string. For example to apply crop -> rotate -> flip you can do the following `--data_augs crop-rotate-flip`.

Could you please provide the correct implementation?