
[BROKEN/NOT MAINTAINED] Advanced syntax highlighting for Redmine source code repositories (using Ultraviolet, which is based on Textmate syntax files).

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION


A Redmine plugin that replaces the repository’s default syntax highlighting engine (CodeRay) with a nicer one (Ultraviolet).

Ultraviolet uses Textmate’s syntax highlighting files, so it supports every language under the sun. And it has lots of themes!


First, install Oniguruma (advanced regular expression support):

  apt-get install libonig-dev

OSX (with Brew):
  brew install oniguruma

  gem install oniguruma

Next, install the Ultraviolet gem:

gem install ultraviolet

And finally, use Rails’ handy-dandy plugin installer to grab this plugin:

script/plugin install git://github.com/Adirelle/redmine_ultraviolet.git

Alternatively, you can just get a copy of it and copy the redmine_ultraviolet directory into vendor/plugins/


The highlighter’s default colour scheme (“theme”) is currently pastels_on_dark.

Each user can change the colour scheme by going to “My account” and picking the theme from the dropdown list. (See this handy page of what the themes actually look like to pick a good one.)

Supported Languages:


  • ASP

  • ASP vb.NET

  • ActionScript

  • Active4D

  • Active4D Config

  • Active4D Library

  • Ada

  • Apache

  • AppleScript

  • BibTeX

  • Blog — HTML

  • Blog — Markdown

  • Blog — Text

  • Blog — Textile

  • Bulletin Board

  • C

  • C#

  • C++

  • CM

  • CSS

  • CSS v3 beta

  • CSV

  • Cake

  • ColdFusion

  • Context Free

  • D

  • Diff

  • DokuWiki

  • Doxygen

  • Dylan

  • Eiffel

  • Erlang

  • F-Script

  • FXScript

  • Fortran

  • GTD

  • GTDalt

  • Graphviz (DOT)

  • Greasemonkey

  • Gri

  • Groovy

  • HTML

  • HTML (ASP)

  • HTML (ASP.net)

  • HTML (Active4D)

  • HTML (Django)

  • HTML (Mason)

  • HTML (Rails)

  • HTML (Tcl)

  • Haml

  • Haskell

  • Inform

  • Ini

  • Installer Distribution Script

  • Io

  • JSON

  • Java

  • Java Properties

  • JavaScript

  • Javascript YUI

  • LaTeX

  • LaTeX Beamer

  • LaTeX Log

  • LaTeX Memoir

  • Language Grammar

  • Lex/Flex

  • Lighttpd

  • Lilypond

  • Lisp

  • Literate Haskell

  • Logo

  • Logtalk

  • Lua


  • MEL

  • MIPS Assembler

  • MacPorts Portfile

  • Mail

  • Makefile

  • Man

  • Markdown

  • Mediawiki

  • Modula-3

  • MoinMoin

  • MooTools

  • Movable Type

  • MultiMarkdown

  • NAnt Build File

  • OCaml

  • OCamllex

  • OCamlyacc

  • Objective-C

  • Objective-C++

  • OpenGL

  • PHP

  • Pascal

  • Perl

  • Plain Text

  • PmWiki

  • Postscript

  • Processing

  • Prolog

  • Property List

  • Prototype & Script.aculo.us (JavaScript)

  • Prototype & Script.aculo.us (JavaScript) Bracketed

  • Python

  • Python (Django)

  • Qt C++

  • Quake Style .cfg

  • R

  • R Console

  • Ragel

  • Rd (R Documentation)

  • Regular Expression

  • Regular Expressions (Oniguruma)

  • Regular Expressions (Python)

  • Release Notes

  • Remind

  • Rez

  • Ruby

  • Ruby Experimental

  • Ruby on Rails

  • S5 Slide Show

  • SQL

  • SQL (Rails)

  • SSH Config

  • SWIG

  • SWeave

  • Scheme

  • Scilab

  • Setext

  • Shell Script (Bash)

  • Slate

  • Smarty

  • Standard ML

  • Strings File

  • TSV

  • Tcl

  • TeX

  • TeX Math

  • Template Toolkit

  • Textile

  • Twiki

  • Txt2tags

  • Vectorscript

  • XHTML 1.0 Strict

  • XML

  • XML strict

  • XSL

  • YAML

  • camlp4

  • iCalendar

  • jQuery (JavaScript)

  • mod_perl

  • qmake Project file

  • reStructuredText


  • Originally by Chris Gahan (epitron) (2009-2011)

  • Contributions by Andy Bailey (neosonic) (2010)

  • Contributions by Daniel Exner (DeX77) (2011)

  • Refactored by Guillaume Perreal (Adirelle) (2012)


Licensed under the WTFPL. See LICENSE for details.