
A plugin that extends the Redmine Issues and Time Entry Queries

Primary LanguageRuby


Redmine plugin that adds new Columns, Filters and other features.

How it works

What it does

  • Issue Queries :

    • New Or Filters, like Filters but cumulative (not exclusive).

      With or filters you can for example select issues assigned to you OR that you have created.

    • New columns :

      • Issues Tree :

        • Project of the parent isssue
        • ⊨ Parent task
        • ⊨ Parent task -- (Position)
        • ⊨ Parent task -- (Subject)
        • ⊨ Root task
        • ⊨ Root task -- (Position)
        • ⊨ Root task -- (Subject)
        • ⊨ Position
      • Project Updated

        The Updated on value

      • Issue Updated on

    • New filters :

      • Project updated

        The Updated on value

      • Filter on Subproject changed : current project not selected by default

        Available if on a project, and having children Natively when you filter on Sub-projects, you always have the issues of the current project even if project is not selected.

      • Parent Project (if on a project)

      • If advanced checkbox is checked :

        • Root task (if on a project)

        • Parent task (if on a project)

        • Issue (if on a project)

          Input field replaced by drop down list if Advanced Filers is checked.

        • Children count

        • Level in tree (0 for root tasks)

  • Time Entry Queries :

    • New columns :

      • Estimated time

      • Tracker + groupable

      • Target version

      • Category + groupable

      • Subject

      • Watchers

      • Issues Tree :

        • ⊨ Issue Id.
        • ⊨ Root task
        • ⊨ Parent task
      • Date :

        • + 🗓 Year
        • + 🗓 Month
        • + 🗓 Week + groupable
        • + 🗓 Week day + groupable
      • Cumulative Hours :

        • 🕝 Hours for issue and user
        • 🕝 Hours for issue
        • 🕝 Hours for user
        • 🕝 Hours for issue and user this month
        • 🕝 Hours for issue this month
        • 🕝 Hours for user this month
        • 🕝 Hours for issue and user previous month
        • 🕝 Hours for issue previous month
        • 🕝 Hours for user previous month
      • New Cumulative Billable and Deviation columns:

        Only if Billable and Deviation called Custom Fields exist on Time Entries

        • Billable :

          • Billable hours for issue and user
          • Billable hours for issue
          • Billable hours for user
          • Billable hours for issue and user this month
          • Billable hours for issue this month
          • Billable hours for user this month
          • Billable hours for issue and user previous month
          • Billable hours for issue previous month
          • Billable hours for user previous month
        • Deviation

          • Deviation hours for issue and user
          • Deviation hours for issue
          • Deviation hours for user
          • Deviation hours for issue and user this month
          • Deviation hours for issue this month
          • Deviation hours for user this month
          • Deviation hours for issue and user previous month
          • Deviation hours for issue previous month
          • Deviation hours for user previous month
      • New Totalable columns :

        • Spent Hours by Issue / User
        • Billable Hours by Issue / User
        • Deviation Hours by Issue / User
    • New Filters :

      • Hours for issue and user
      • Hours for issue
      • Hours for user
      • This month
        • Hours for issue and user this month
        • Hours for issue this_month
        • Hours for user this month
      • Previous month
        • Hours for issue and user previous month
        • Hours for issue previous_month
        • Hours for user previous month
    • New Group totals fixed for

      • Spent Hours by Issue / User
      • Billable Hours by Issue / User
      • Deviation Hours by Issue / User
  • Queries columns selection boxes : new prefix glyphs (utf8) for :

    • Time columns : 🕝
    • Date type columns : 🗓
    • Custom Fields : 🔧
    • Issue tree and position columns : ⊨
  • Forbid setting global query public to other than me for non-admins : Fixed upstream with Redmine V3.0.4

How it is implemented

Query partial views

  • In app/views/queries :
    • 🔑 REWRITTEN _filters.html.erb
    • 🔑 REWRITTEN _form.html.erb
    • New _or_filters.html.erb
    • 🔑 REWRITTEN _query_form.html.erb

Javascript assets for Or Filters

  • New assets/javascripts/custom_query.js

New translations (ca, en-GB, en, es, fr, uk)

Migrations :

  • 20150225140000_add_queries_or_filters technical migration, can be ignored
  • 20150225140000_add_queries_or_filters to add or_filters to queries table

Controllers / Helpers / Modelss

  • lib/controllers

    • smile_controllers_queries
      • Module AdvancedFilters
        • 🔑 REWRITTEN filter method
  • lib/helpers

    • smile_helpers_application
      • Module ExtendedQueries
        • 🔑 REWRITTEN filter methods
    • smile_helpers_issues
    • smile_helpers_queries
  • lib/models

    • smile_models_issue
    • smile_models_issue_query
    • smile_models_project
    • smile_models_query
    • smile_models_query_custom_field_column
    • smile_models_time_entry
    • smile_models_time_entry_query
    • smile_models_time_time_query


  • V1.0.18 + New wday Time Entry column

    And also fixed grouping totals when grouping by tweek, tmonth

  • V1.0.17 + groupable_columns_options to sort group by columns

    Renamed method query_available_inline_columns_options_hook -> column_label_and_order_hook Renamed method query_selected_inline_columns_options_hook -> column_label_hook

  • V1.0.16 Added User Custom Fields to RecordList customized_class_names

  • V1.0.15 Non-exclusive filters title on OR filters legend

  • V1.0.14 Compatibility with RM V4.1+, #31433 of RM.org for RM > 4.1

  • V1.0.13 Bugfix : QueryCustomFieldColumn.value_object merged Behaviour of Localizable plugin

    Param addded : original to preserve compatibility with Localizable plugin

  • V1.0.12 criteria selection at the beginning

  • V1.0.11 + Estimated Hours filter for Time Entries / Report queries

  • V1.0.10 Re-introducing Query watcher_values method for Older Redmine versions

  • V1.0.9 Small fixes, + List of tests

    Parent project column grouped as tree column, Time entries category column sort fixed

  • V1.0.8 Small enhancements and fixes :

    • QueryColumn.group_value added for old Redmine versions

    • Use respond_to?(or_filters_provided?) instead of respond_to?(or_filters)

    • Queries columns selection boxes sorted and glyphs prefixes (utf8) added

      Hooks available for other plugins

    • lib/models/smile_models_time_{entry/report}_query.rb cleaned

    • Time Report Advanced queries : filter issue dropdown list like parent, root

  • V1.0.7 REMOVED : Forbid setting global query public to other than me for non-admins : Fixed upstream

  • V1.0.6 +Spent/Billable/Deviation hours for issue/user this / previous month