Git change-id

This git hook adds a change-id to the commit message on commit. eg

commit 7be56dd17cbf45a4694a77065d20b5b62ff65aad (HEAD -> feature/third-change)
Author: Brock Noland <>
Date:   Fri Jan 18 22:01:34 2019 -0600

    Add b c back
    Change-Id: I6ff326dce82ba4f6c13846cd5fa1c13516a75054

This change id will persist across squash and unclean cherry-picks.

Install Globally

git config --global init.templatedir '~/.git-templates'
mkdir -p ~/.git-templates/hooks
curl -so - "" > ~/.git-templates/hooks/commit-msg
chmod 755 ~/.git-templates/hooks/commit-msg

Install in a single repo

cd some-repo
curl -Lo .git/hooks/commit-msg "" && chmod 755 .git/hooks/commit-msg

Spotless Check Before Commit

Install in a single repo

cd some-repo
curl -Lo .git/hooks/pre-commit "" && chmod 755 .git/hooks/pre-commit