
  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run nodemon index.js

Environment Variables

  • PORT


  • JWT based authentication with token for students and teachers
  • The student or teacher can register first name, email and password and then login with the email and password to get a token
  • The token is required to access the API endpoints

Deployment Link

API Endpoints

Teacher Routes

  • POST /teachers/register: Register a new teacher
  • POST /teachers/login: Login for teachers
  • POST /teachers/:teacherId/classrooms: Create a new classroom
  • GET /teachers/:teacherId/classrooms: View all classrooms for a teacher

Student Routes

  • POST /students/register: Register a new student
  • POST /students/login: Login for students
  • GET /students/:studentId/classrooms: View classrooms for a student
  • POST /students/:studentId/classrooms/:classroomId/tasks/:taskId: Submit a task

Classroom Routes

  • DELETE /classrooms/:classroomId: Delete a classroom
  • PUT /classrooms/:classroomId: Edit a classroom
  • POST /classrooms/:classroomId/students: Add a student to a classroom
  • DELETE /classrooms/:classroomId/students/:studentId: Remove a student from a classroom
  • POST /classrooms/:classroomId/tasks: Assign tasks to a classroom
  • GET /classrooms/:classroomId/tasks/:taskId/submissions: Check submission status for a task


Register Teacher

alt text

Login Teacher

alt text

Create Classroom

alt text

View Classrooms

alt text

Register Student

alt text

Login Student

alt text

View Classrooms for Student

alt text

Add a student to classroom

alt text

Assign tasks to classroom

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