
Demo code for implementing SSLCommerz into Android application.

Primary LanguageJava

SSLCommerz Integration For Android Applications.

  • Follow few steps to integrate SSLCommerz in your app.

Step 1:

-In your root build.gradle file please add the bellow code.

allprojects {
repositories {
  maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2:

-Add the dependency.

  implementation 'com.github.ssl-zahid:SSLCommerz-Android-Library-:v1.0.2'

For better performance use the latest version.

Step 3:

-Add this permission into your manifest.

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

Step 4:

-After successfully completed SDK integration, You can request for transaction. You must have to pass MandatoryFieldModel to start Transaction. You can also pass CustomerFieldModel, ShippingFieldModel and AdditionalFieldModel.

  MandatoryFieldModel mandatoryFieldModel = new MandatoryFieldModel("Your store Id", "Your store password", amount, "Your transaction id", CurrencyType.BDT, SdkType.TESTBOX, SdkCategory.BANK_LIST);

Step 5:

-Now call for the payment

PayUsingSSLCommerz.getInstance().setData(MainActivity.this, mandatoryFieldModel, new OnPaymentResultListener() {
                public void transactionSuccess(TransactionInfo transactionInfo) {
                    // If payment is success and risk label is 0 get payment details from here
                    if (transactionInfo.getRiskLevel().equals("0")) {

                        Log.e(TAG, transactionInfo.getValId());
                       /* After successful transaction send this val id to your server and from
                         your server you can call this api
                         if you call this api from your server side you will get all the details of the transaction.
                         for more details visit:   www.tashfik.me
// Payment is success but payment is not complete yet. Card on hold now.
                    else {
                        Log.e(TAG, "Transaction in risk. Risk Title : " + transactionInfo.getRiskTitle());

                public void transactionFail(String s) {
                    Log.e(TAG, s);

                public void error(int errorCode) {
                    switch (errorCode) {
// Your provides information is not valid.
                        case ErrorKeys.USER_INPUT_ERROR:
                            Log.e(TAG, "User Input Error");
// Internet is not connected.
                        case ErrorKeys.INTERNET_CONNECTION_ERROR:
                            Log.e(TAG, "Internet Connection Error");
// Server is not giving valid data.
                        case ErrorKeys.DATA_PARSING_ERROR:
                            Log.e(TAG, "Data Parsing Error");
// User press back button or canceled the transaction.
                        case ErrorKeys.CANCEL_TRANSACTION_ERROR:
                            Log.e(TAG, "User Cancel The Transaction");
// Server is not responding.
                        case ErrorKeys.SERVER_ERROR:
                            Log.e(TAG, "Server Error");
// For some reason network is not responding
                        case ErrorKeys.NETWORK_ERROR:
                            Log.e(TAG, "Network Error");

Error Codes :

Type Attribute Summery
Int DATA_PARSING_ERROR Response data from server is not invalid format.
Int INTERNET_CONNECTION_ERROR Internet connection error
Int USER_INPUT_ERROR Passing data is not valid.
Int CANCEL_TRANSACTION_ERROR User cancel transaction.
Int SERVER_ERROR Server is not responding.
Int NETWORK_ERROR Network not working.
