
My notes about vagrant

Primary LanguageRuby

Vagrant (Development Environments Made Easy) Vagrant Logo

Info (Docker & Vagrant)

  • Used for creating development environment
  • While Docker uses container technology vagrant used Virtual Machines
  • VMs emulate a physical computer comes with complete OS, resource allocation
  • Host machine provides necessary physical resources
  • Virtualized envionment works as independent machine with it's own BIOS, CPU, storage, network adapters
  • Modern VMs run on Hypervisors
  • Hypervisors are responsible for creation and execution of VMs
  • Example of Hypervisors: KVM, vmware
  • Vagrant is Open Source tool for creating and maintaining Virtual Machines
  • Vagrant Simplifies the management of VMs
  • Containers create virtualization on the OS level
  • Containers create executable software package which isolates app from it's environments
  • Inside the package the container has necesary properties Code, Runtime, system library
  • Containers run on OS of host machine
  • Docker doesn't create whole OS
  • Docker Uses kernel of the host OS & creates virtualization only for the application and necessary libraries
  • ssh: Secure Shell, a network protocol for connecting to remote system

Setting Up


# Install vagrant from [Here](https://www.vagrantup.com/)
# Install VirtualBox from [Here](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads)
vagrant -v # check if installed 
mkdir vgdemo # create a dir for containing the vagrant project files
cd vgdemo/  # entering that dir
# search on vagrantbox what you want from [here](https://app.vagrantup.com/boxes/search)
vagrant box add centos/7 # would just download the box & store on local system but don't create a Vagrantfile
vagrant init centos/7 # initialize the specified public box (https://app.vagrantup.com/boxes/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&sort=downloads&provider=&q=centos) & creates VagrantFile
vagrant up # if the virtual guest machine exists it will run that otherwise adds it then runs that; make sure to run this command from inside the folder where VagrantFile resides
vargrant suspend [VM] # suspends the VM
vargrant resume [VM] # resumes the VM (to resume after suspending)
vargrant reload [VM] # reloads the VM (run this after any change in the VagrantFile)
vagrant status # status of the VMs
vagrant ssh [VM] # ssh into the VM, connect to the virtual machine as vagrant user; password for root & vagrant both account: vagrant
exit # logout of the VM & return to host OS
vagrant halt [VM] # stop the VM
vagrant destroy [VM]# deletes the VM completely
vagrant reload --provision # to force provisioning


config.vm.hostname = "UtshawsCentOS" # Change the default hostname of the guest machine
config.vm.network "private_network", ip: "" # Change the IP address of the guest machine; cam be pinged from host machine
config.vm.synced_folder "../data", "/vagrant_data" # ../data -> host directory /vagrant_data -> box directory (guest machine)

Multiple machine based on single OS (VagrantFile) multinet

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.box = "centos/7"

  config.vm.define "admin01" do |admin01|
    admin01.vm.hostname = "admin01"
    admin01.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""

  config.vm.define "server01" do |server01|
    server01.vm.hostname = "server01"
    server01.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""

  config.vm.define "server02" do |server02|
    server02.vm.hostname = "server02"
    server02.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""


Testing the above configuration:

# Login into the admin01
vagrant ssh admin01
# modify /etc/hosts of admin01
echo ' server01' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo ' server02' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
# Check if the VMs are up & /etc/hosts is working
ping -c 3 server01; ping -c 3 server02

Search for Box from here

