
This code example demonstrates a method of compensating the input offset voltage error of the OPA module on the PIC18-Q41 family with temperature.

Primary LanguageC


Input Offset Voltage Correction on PIC18F16Q41

The Operational Amplifier (OPA) module in the PIC18-Q41 family is a general-purpose operational amplifier. In applications where the devices are subjected to non-ambient temperatures, the input offset voltage of the OPA module can change and cause errors on the output of the peripheral. To compensate for this effect, the ADC can be used to adjust the offset correction register in field. This code example demonstrates this algorithm at ambient temperature by simulating offset error through constant changes to the offset register.

Related Documentation

TB3280: Using Operational Amplifiers in PIC16 and PIC18

Code Example: Gain and Offset Calibration of the Analog Signal Conditioning (OPAMP) Peripheral (MPLAB)
Code Example: Gain and Offset Calibration of the Analog Signal Conditioning (OPAMP) Peripheral (Studio)

Software Used

Hardware Used



Wiring Image

Wire Description
Orange UART Transmit
Blue Output of the Operational Amplifier
Green Inverting Input to the Operational Amplifier

Pin Table

For electrical schematics of the design, please refer to the Implementation section below.

Pin Name Description
RC2 OPA1OUT Output of the operational amplifier
RB7 UART TX UART Transmit Output, 9600 BAUD
RB4 OPA1IN0- Inverting Input to the OPA Module1
RA2 LED D6 Calibrating Indicator LED
TX UART Transmit Curiosity board UART transmit pin. Connect to RB7


  1. Input should be low-impedance. If choosing not to use the power supply, leave this pin open. Doing so will cause the output of the OPA module to be ~Vdd/2.



Calibration in-field is dependent on the environment near and around the device. It is unlikely to be as accurate or precise as a calibration in a lab environment.

Theory of Operation

To correctly calibrate the OPA module, it is important to remove as many variables as possible. The 1st variable to remove is gain error. Ideally, the gain of the OPA module is known exactly, however tolerance errors in the feedback resistors (internal or external) can cause errors that can impact the performance of the calibration.

To remove these errors from the calibration, the module is forced into unity gain and disconnects the feedback resistors from the inverting input. The device measures the signal on the non-inverting input and the signal on the output through the ADCC, and computes the error. A response is generated depending on the magnitude of the error.

The response is applied, and the process repeats until:

  • Calibration is within a set tolerance (in bits).
  • The output oscillates around the tolerance 8 times.
  • Too many cycles (max 255) have elapsed, which indicates a failed calibration.

The algorithm is illustrated in Figure 1 below.

Algorithm Flowchart
Figure 1 - Calibration Flowchart


To demonstrate this algorithm, the program needs to force the offset to become incorrect. It does this by changing the offset correction register every 10ms (while not calibrating). This is an extreme case (temperature changes are much more subtle than this). The end result is that the offset register needs to be corrected in the calibration routine to account for the errors in the register.

Theoretically, any configuration of the OPA module can run this algorithm. For simplicity, the OPA module is configured as an inverting amplifier, with a gain of -1, and a level shift of Vdd/2. The ideal output function of this configuration in this setup is simply: Vout = Vdd - Vin. The configuration when not in sleep is shown in Figure 2.

Device when not in calibration
Figure 2 - Normal Operating Mode

When the device is to be calibrated, it switches the configuration to that of a unity gain buffer. Vdd/2, which normally level-shifts the input, now provides the reference used for calibration. Figure 3 (below), shows the configuration.

Device in calibration
Figure 3 - Calibration Mode Schematic

Measurements of both the non-inverting and inverting input are done through the ADCC, with the Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) at 4.096V. For proper operation, Vout must be less than 4.096V. The ADCC is setup in a burst average mode during which the system acquires 32 samples and then averages them by right shifting by 5. The device is in sleep during the conversion to further reduce noise and possible sources of error.

If the two measurements are within a set accuracy, the calibration routine stops. If the measurements are out of accuracy, a small Look-Up Table (LUT) is used to find a response to apply to the offset register. This process is repeated until the measurements are within tolerance, or an error occurs (see Program Options and Constants for a listing of error codes). Once finished, the program outputs the starting register value and the ending register value. This can be compared with the factory default value that is printed on startup.

Program Output

Serial Device Output
Figure 4 - Standard Serial Output

Serial Device Output
Figure 4 - Standard Serial Output with Debug Printing

Macros and Constants (constants.h)

Output Enable Macros

  • STD_OUTPUT, enables UART printing of standard messages, such as original value, final value, and PoR reset.
  • DEBUG_OUTPUT, enables UART printing of verbose debug messages. Also prints the measured voltages (in hex) on each iteration of the calibration. Can be set without STD_OUTPUT enabled.

Operating Constants

  • ACCURACY, sets the number of bits to calibrate to. To convert from bits to voltage, multiply the voltage per step resolution of the ADCC by this macro.

Error Codes

  • NO_ERROR (0) - No error has occurred in the program.
  • POS_OFFSET_ERROR (1) - The program has reached 0xFF in OPA1OFFSET and the increment is positive.
  • NEG_OFFSET_ERROR (2) - The program has reached 0x00 in OPA1OFFSET and the increment is negative.
  • INFINITE_ERROR (3) - The program has exceeded the number of allowed cycles.
  • OSCILLATING_ERROR (4) - The offset is oscillating, and cannot be resolved any farther.


This code example demonstrates an algorithm for calibrating the input offset voltage of the OPA module in PIC18F16Q41.