
A curated list of awesome Phaser libraries, resources and shiny things.

Awesome phaser


Nineslice - NineSlice plugin for Phaser!
Phaser Ui - Easy to use UI components for the Phaser.io game engine
Navigation Meshes - A plugin for path-finding in Phaser using navmeshes
Procedural_dungeon - PhaserJS plugin for the creation of dungeon layouts procedurally
Data uri snippets - NPM package for commonly-used data URIs
Link - Link (Legend of Zelda)-like class for Phaser
Mario - Mario-like class for Phaser
Percent bar - Auto-updating percentage bar for Phaser
Aseprite - Aseprite Sprite loader for Phaser
a4g - Phaser plugin allowing Video and HTML5 ad integrations with phaser.io games
Web workers - A simple Phaser plugin that allows you to easily integrate Web Workers in your game
Debug emiter - Debug methods for particle emitters
Underline text - Extends Phaser.Text to easily let you add underlines anywhere in your text
View cache - Lists the contents of the game cache
Debug object - Adds game.debug.object(), a generic object display
Phaser bones -
i18next - Phaser plugin for translations using i18next
Rotate Sprite Extension - Rotate Sprite Extension for Phaser Framework
Game Gui - Inspect and manipulate some common game settings
Typewriter - A phaser helper for the typewriter effect
Modals - Phaser.io Modals creator script
Phaser Bootstrap - A simple bootstrap for phaser
FXQ - A special effects and animation queue manager
PhaseSlider - A slider UI component for Phaser.io Javascript library
Sound Manager - A small sound-manager for easily use and parse sounds from assetPacks
PhaseSlider - A slider UI component for Phaser.io Javascript library
Debug Timer - Debug methods for timers and timer events.
Barchart - Specifically, it generates a bar graph from an array of numbers.
Grid Physics - The Grid Physics plugin is to Arcade physics what Arcade physics is to Box2D.
Manifest Loader - Phaser Manifest Loader
Scrollable component - A phaser component to implement a scrollable group.
Floating Text - A floating text plugin for Phaser, with many effects to choose from
Scene Graph - Prints Phaser’s display tree in the console.
Advanced timing - Shows FPS, frame intervals, and performance info
Step - Adds keyboard shortcuts for stepping
Timestore - Multiple timers manager, especially good for games.
Debug tween - Draws tween timelines and prints tween properties
Sprite GUI - Inspect and manipulate Phaser Sprites (via dat.gui)
State transition - State transition plugin for Phaser.js
SlickUI - Lightweight Phaser UI plugin
Super storage - A cross platform storage plugin for Phaser
Debug arcade physics - Draws properties of Arcade Physics bodies
Scene graph - Prints Phaser’s display tree in the console.
Craft - Phaser Library with utility chainable functions
Behavior - Behavior System for Phaser games
Phaser ads - A Phaser plugin for providing nice ads integration in your phaser.io game
Arcade circles - This plugin adds circle-collision to Phaser framework
Arcade - A Phaser plugin that brings sloped tile collision handling to the Arcade Physics engine
List view - List view class for Phaser. Great for high scoreboards.
Checkbox - This addon give you the option to use checkbox-elements in Phaser.
Input - Adds input boxes to Phaser like CanvasInput, but also works for WebGL and Mobile, made for Phaser only.
Swipe - A swipe component for Phaser.io
Sound analyser - Phaser plugin - provide you with possibility to create real time visual frequency/time data analyser, simple sound analyse object with real time data update event and more...
Phase tips - A tooltips plugin for Phaser.io game framework
Healthbar - An attempt to create a simple and customizable healthbar for Phaser.js games.
Inspector - Phaser Inspector Plugin allows you to inspect Phaser game.
Nine patch - A Nine Patch Plugin for Phaser
Islandjs - Phaser.io plugin for procedural generation and rendering island maps based on island.js
Kinetic scrolling plugin - Kinetic Scrolling plugin for Canvas using Phaser Framework
EZGUI - EZGUI - The missing GUI for Pixi.js and Phaser.io


RobotlegsJS - RobotlegsJS framework integration with Phaser.
Neutrino Particles - Particles Editor with export to JavaScript and C# source code.
Phaser Node Kit - Rapid Game Development with PhaserJS and Node for Modern Browsers.
Phaser CLI - A simple CLI for scaffolding Phaser projects.
LOONPHYSICS - Edit and export physics bodies for Phaser with ease
System plugin - This project is setup to help kickstart building Phaser.io plugins.
Phaser Sprite Sheet Unpacker - Tool to unpack frames from a Phaser Sprite Sheet
Assetpack generator - This tool helps you generate an asset pack from your filesystem directory, so that you can easily preload all your assets required for your Phaser game.
PFA Exporter - Phaser Flash Asset Exporter
Phaser sublime package - Sublime Text packages for Phaser development
Texture packer
Phaser cheat sheet
Generator phaser coffee script - A yeoman generator for developing games with Phaser framework using coffeescript and gulp. Browserifies, coffeeifies and live reloads using browser-sync.
Phase-2-e - End to End testing framework for Phaser. Backed by Nightwatch.
Tern phaser - tern-phaser is a plugin which adds support for Phaser to the JavaScript code intelligence system Tern
MiaPhaser - Flash To Phaser
Phzr - A ClojureScript wrapper for the Phaser HTML5 game framework
Phaser chains - Alternative documentation browser for


Phaser editor - Phaser Editor is a new editor to develop HTML5 2D games using the Phaser framework
Abra - Abra is a web tool for building games with Phaser
Mighty editor - Web based open source HTML5 game editor, based on Phaser.io game engine


Orange Games Boilerplate The boilerplate we use internally at Orange Games
Phaser Starter Simple starter project to get a Phaser game environment up and running with ease. With Webpack, ES6 transpiling, page reloading and Github page publishing.
Phaser Webpack Loader Asset loader for Phaser + Webpack.
brunch-phaser a Brunch skeleton for making games with Phaser. You can use CoffeeScript, ES6, TypeScript, or plain JavaScript.
phaser-runtime Run Phaser games on desktop
Phaser NPM Webpack TypeScript Starter Project Project to get you started with your Phaser (using the npm module) game using Typescript and Webpack for building!
phaser-boilerplate Gulp+Webpack ES6, and many other features
phaser-electron Gulp+Webpack+Electron
generator-phaser-plus Yeoman Generator for bootstrapping Phaser Games
responsiveTouchGameFramework A tiny boilerplate for HTML5 games featuring a square, centered and responsive canvas, and unified input (mouse + touch)
Phaser ES6 Starter A template for writing Phaser Games based on ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) + Webpack + Progressive Web Apps for rapid game development.