
A test runner for Atom using Jasmine 3.x

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Atom Jasmine 3.x Test Runner

By default, Atom runs your tests with Jasmine 1.3 (for more information on testing packages in Atom, please see the Atom Flight Manual). Atom allows you to specify a custom test runner using the atomTestRunner field in your package.json, but implementing a custom test runner is not straightforward. This module allows you to transition your specs to Jasmine 3.x with minimal fuss.



$ npm install [--save-dev] atom-jasmine3-test-runner


Transition from Jasmine v1.3

There is legacy support for transitioning to Jasmine 3.x from 1.3.

By default any specs with a file name matching *-spec-v1.(js|coffee) will be ran by the default Atom test runner after any new tests are ran.

Default Test Runner

If you want to use all the default options, simply pass the module name as the atomTestRunner value in your package.json:

  "name": "my-package",
  // ...
  "atomTestRunner": "atom-jasmine3-test-runner"

Note that your package.json may be cached by Atom's compile cache when running tests with Atom's GUI test runner, so if adding or changing that field doesn't seem to work, try quitting and restarting Atom.

Writing TypeScript Tests

⚠ NOTE: If you use a custom runner that file (custom-runner.js) must be a .js file.

You must use atom-ts-transpiler to transpile .ts files to .js on the fly in Atom.

npm i -D atom-ts-transpiler typescript

In your package.json file you must add a "atomTranspilers" property.

  "name": "my-package",
  // ...
  "atomTranspilers": [
      "transpiler": "atom-ts-transpiler",
      "glob": "{!(node_modules)/**/,}*.ts?(x)",
      "options": {...}

For more options see the atom-ts-transpiler documentation

Programmatic Usage

If you'd like to perform more customization of your testing environment, you can create a custom runner while still utilizing atom-jasmine3-test-runner for most of the heavy lifting. First, set atomTestRunner to a relative path to a file:

  "name": "my-package",
  // ...
  "atomTestRunner": "./spec/custom-runner"

Then export a test runner created via the atom-jasmine3-test-runner from ./spec/custom-runner.js:

const { createRunner } = require('atom-jasmine3-test-runner');

// optional options to customize the runner
const extraOptions = {
  suffix: "-spec",
  legacySuffix: "-spec-v1"

const optionalConfigurationFunction = function() {
  // If provided, atom-jasmine3-test-runner will call this function before jasmine is started
  // so you can do whatever you'd like with the global variables.
  // (i.e. add custom matchers, require plugins, etc.)

  beforeEach(function () {
      toBeTheAnswerToTheUltimateQuestionOfLifeTheUniverseAndEverything: function (util, customEqualityTesters) {
        return {
          compare: function (actual) {
            let result = {};
            result.pass = util.equals(actual, 42, customEqualityTesters);
            const toBeOrNotToBe = (result.pass ? "not to be" : "to be"); // that is the question.
            result.message = `Expected ${actual} ${toBeOrNotToBe} the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.`;
            return result;

module.exports = createRunner(extraOptions, optionalConfigurationFunction);


createRunner([options,] [callback])

Returns a test runner created with the given options and callback. Both parameters are optional. The returned value can be exported from your atomTestRunner script for Atom to consume.

  • options - An object specifying customized options:

    • reporter [default: the default reporter] - Which reporter to use on the terminal
    • suffix [default: "-spec"] - File extension that indicates that the file contains tests
    • legacySuffix [default: "-spec-v1"] - File extension that indicates that the file contains Jasmine v1.x tests
    • showColors [default: true] - Colorize output on the terminal.
    • htmlTitle [default: The name of the package] - The string to use for the window title in the HTML reporter
    • showEditor [default: false] - Add a "Show Editor" tab to minimize the specs so you can see the editor behind it
    • timeReporter [default: false] - Add a reporter that logs the time for each spec/suite. TimeReporter
    • specHelper [default: false] - See Spec Helpers
    • testPaths [default: './spec' or './test'] - This can be an array of files to test or folders to search for files ending with the suffix. This does not apply to headless testing using atom --test ./spec
    • testPackages [default: []] - Array of packages to include for testing. This will usually be the same packages listed in APM_TEST_PACKAGES if using atom/ci for continuous integration
    • random [default: false] - Run your tests in semi-random order
    • seed [default: random] - Sets the randomization seed if randomization is turned on
    • silentInstallation [default: false] - Suppresses the spec helper installation messages

Spec Helpers

This will include Atom's spec-helper.

The specHelper option can be set to true to enable the spec-helper or you can specify an object enabling only the parts of the spec-helper that you want.


const options = {
  specHelper: {
    atom: true,
    attachToDom: true,
    ci: true,
    customMatchers: true,
    jasmineFocused: true,
    jasmineJson: true,
    jasminePass: true,
    jasmineTagged: true,
    mockClock: true,
    mockLocalStorage: true,
    profile: true,
    set: true,
    unspy: true

These are the possible options for specHelper

  atom: true

This will spy on atom.menu.sendToBrowserProcess and add default config options:

atom.config.set("core.destroyEmptyPanes", false)
atom.config.set("editor.fontFamily", "Courier")
atom.config.set("editor.fontSize", 16)
atom.config.set("editor.autoIndent", false)
Attach To DOM
  attachToDom: true

This will add the function jasmine.attachToDOM(element) to allow you to easily attach elements to the DOM and it takes care of removing the elements after every test so you don't need to worry about them messing with your other tests. If you want an element to be attached to the DOM for multiple tests you can call jasmine.attachToDOM in a beforeEach function.

  ci: true

This will throw an error if any focused tests are left when testing in a CI environment.

This will also set jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL to 1 minute in a CI environment.

🚨 This won't do anything unless process.env.CI is set 🚨

# .travis.yml
    - CI="true"
# appveyor.yml
  CI: "true"
# circle.yml
    CI: "true"
Custom Matchers
  customMatchers: true

Uses jasmine2-atom-matchers

This will add the custom matchers from Atom:

  • The toBeInstanceOf matcher is for the instanceof operator
  • The toHaveLength matcher compares against the .length property
  • The toExistOnDisk matcher checks if the file exists in the filesystem
  • The toHaveFocus matcher checks if the element currently has focus
  • The toShow matcher tests if the element is visible in the dom

This will also include the Atom custom version of jasmine-jquery

Jasmine Focused
  jasmineFocused: true

Uses jasmine2-focused

This will include jasmine-focused (modified for Jasmine 3.x)

This includes the functions ffdescribe, fffdescribe, ffit, and fffit.

Jasmine JSON
  jasmineJson: true

Uses jasmine2-json

This will include jasmine-json (modified for Jasmine 3.x)

This includes the matcher .toEqualJson(object) and will give a detailed message on failure.

Jasmine Pass
  jasminePass: true

Uses jasmine-pass

This will include a pass() function similar to Jasmine's fail() but opposite.

Jasmine Should Fail
  jasmineShouldFail: true

Uses jasmine-should-fail

This will include the functions zdescribe and zit to allow you to tell jasmine that these tests should fail.

If these tests pass they will fail and if they fail they will pass but still output their messages as if they failed.

(really only useful for testing a reporter)

Jasmine Tagged
  jasmineTagged: true

Uses jasmine2-tagged

This will include jasmine-tagged (modified for Jasmine 3.x)

This includes the functions jasmine.setIncludedTags([tags]) and jasmine.includeSpecsWithoutTags(bool) to allow you to filter tests easily.

Mock Clock
  mockClock: true

This will mock the setTimeout and setInterval functions, as well as a few others, so you can test a process that happens on a timer with the advanceClock function.

When this is enabled you will need to call jasmine.useRealClock() if you want to use setTimeout or setInterval like usual.

This is similar to calling jasmine.clock().install()

Mock Local Storage
  mockLocalStorage: true

Uses jasmine-local-storage

This includes the functions mockLocalStorage() and unmockLocalStorage() to allow you to mock localStorage.

You will have to call the mockLocalStorage() function in-order to start mocking localStorage.

  profile: true

This will include the functions measure(description, function) and profile(description, function) which will write the time the function takes to console.log

  set: true

This will include the methods .jasmineToString() and .isEqual(Set) to the Set prototype.

  unspy: true

Uses jasmine-unspy

This will include the function jasmine.unspy(object, method) to allow you to restore the original function to a spy

Writing Tests

Jasmine documentation

describe('Testing', function () {
  it('works', function () {


A huge thank you to @BinaryMuse for creating atom-mocha-test-runner and giving me a place to start.