Team Event


This is an event application.

Prisma Usage

The database has already been setup. The only thing you need to is include this in any controller file you are working on:

import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
const prisma = new PrismaClient()

Also run:

  npx prisma studio

To view added tables and content. You can also manipulate fields when necessary.

Look at prisma docs for CRUD operations.


  1. Clone this repository:
 git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
  yarn install
  1. Create .env file and add keys

  2. Prisma generate

  npx prisma generate
  1. Start the server:
  yarn start:dev


After looking at what your ticket create a branch checkout into that branch locate your route and controller and add the logic. After testing push to your branch and create a PR on github.


You can access the API at