
The server-side web application of the AquaTrack project provides key functionalities for user management and security. The backend includes the following features:

  • User Registration, Login, and Logout: Users can create an account, log in, and log out of the system. These processes are secured and support the generation of access and refresh tokens, ensuring secure interaction with the web application.

  • Routes for Operations: Separate routes are created for each of these functions, handling requests for registration, authentication, and logout.

  • Data Storage: Upon successful completion of operations, user data is stored in a MongoDB database, ensuring reliable storage and access to information.

  • Error Handling and Data Validation: In case of incorrect data, field validation is implemented to prevent erroneous or unsafe input. Errors are handled appropriately, providing users with clear and useful error messages.

This system ensures robust user account management and data protection, creating a secure environment for working with the AquaTrack application.

Backend Commands

  1. npm run lint: Performs linting (code checking for adherence to standards and potential errors) on all JavaScript files in the src folder and its subdirectories using ESLint.

  2. npm run start: Starts the application using Node.js and specifies index.js in the src folder as the entry point.

  3. npm run dev: Starts the application using Nodemon, which automatically restarts the server when changes are made to index.js (or other files in src), making it convenient for development.

  4. npm run build: Executes the build-docs command to compile the documentation. This is a helper command that triggers another command (in this case, build-docs).

  5. npm run build-docs: Uses the Redocly tool to create and bundle API documentation in JSON format, and saves it to the swagger.json file in the docs folder.

  6. npm run preview-docs: Opens a preview of the API documentation created with Redocly. This allows for a visual review of the documentation before it is published.

Link Swagger


AquaTrack application