
Symfony Bundle to create HTML tables with bootstrap-table for Doctrine Entities.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This Bundle provides simple bootstrap-table configuration for your Doctrine Entities.

Used bootstrap-table version 1.18.3.

Inspired by SgDatatablesBundle and omines/datatables-bundle


  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Your First Table
  4. Columns
    1. TextColumn
    2. BooleanColumn
    3. DateTimeColumn
    4. HiddenColumn
    5. LinkColumn
    6. CountColumn
    7. ActionColumn
  5. Filters
    1. TextFilter
    2. ChoiceFilter
    3. BooleanChoiceFilter
    4. CountFilter
  6. Configuration
    1. Table Dataset Options
    2. Table Options
  7. Common Use-Cases
    1. Custom Doctrine Queries
    2. Detail View
    3. Use Icons as action buttons
  8. Contributing


  • Create bootstrap-tables in PHP
  • Twig render function
  • global filtering (server side)
  • column based filtering (advanced search)
  • column sorting (server side)
  • Pagination (service side)
  • different column types
  • bootstrap-table extensions


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download this bundle:

$ composer require hello-sebastian/hello-bootstrap-table-bundle

Step 2: Enable the Bundle (without flex)

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\HelloBootstrapTableBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Step 3: Assetic Configuration

Install the web assets

# if possible, make absolute symlinks (best practice) in public/ if not, make a hard copy

$ php bin/console assets:install --symlink

Add Assets into your base.html.twig


<!-- Bootstap and FontAwesome CSS dependency -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.15.2/css/all.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@4.6.0/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css">

<!-- bootstrap-table CSS with all used extensions -->
{{ hello_bootstrap_table_css() }}


<!-- jQuery and Bootstrap JS dependency -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@4.6.0/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>

<!-- bootstrap-table JS with all used extensions -->
{{ hello_bootstrap_table_js() }}

Your First Table

Step 1: Create a Table class

// src/HelloTable/UserTable.php


namespace App\HelloTable;

use App\Entity\User; // your entity class ...
use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\ColumnBuilder;
use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\TextColumn;
use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\DateTimeColumn;
use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\HiddenColumn;
use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\ActionColumn;
use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\BooleanColumn;
use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\HelloBootstrapTable;

class UserTable extends HelloBootstrapTable
    protected function buildColumns(ColumnBuilder $builder, array $options): void
            ->add("id", HiddenColumn::class)
            ->add('username', TextColumn::class)
            ->add('email', TextColumn::class, array(
                'title' => 'E-Mail',
                'visible' => false
            ->add('firstName', TextColumn::class, array(
                'title' => 'First name'
            ->add('lastName', TextColumn::class, array(
                'title' => 'Last name'
            ->add('createdAt', DateTimeColumn::class, array(
                'title' => 'Created at'
            ->add('department.name', TextColumn::class, array(
                'title' => 'Department',
                'emptyData' => 'No Department',
                'addIf' => function() {
                    // In this callback it is decided if the column will be rendered.
                    return $this->security->isGranted('ROLE_DEPARTMENT_VIEWER');
            ->add("isActive", BooleanColumn::class, array(
                'title' => 'is active',
                'trueLabel' => 'yes',
                'falseLabel' => 'no'
            ->add('department.costCentre.name', TextColumn::class, array(
                'title' => 'Cost Centre',
                'data' => function (User $user) {
                    return "#" . $user->getDepartment()->getCostCentre()->getName();
            ->add("actions", ActionColumn::class, array(
                'title' => 'Actions',
                'width' => 150,
                'buttons' => array( //see ActionButton for more examples.
                        'displayName' => 'open',
                        'routeName' => 'show_user',
                        'classNames' => 'btn btn-xs' 
                        'additionalClassNames' => 'btn-success mr-1'
                        'displayName' => 'edit',
                        'routeName' => 'edit_user',
                        'classNames' => 'btn btn-xs btn-warning',
                        'addIf' => function(User $user) {
                            // In this callback it is decided if the button will be rendered.
                            return $this->security->isGranted('ROLE_USER_EDITOR');

    protected function getEntityClass(): string
        return User::class;

Step 2: In the Controller

// src/Controller/UserController.php

use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\HelloBootstrapTableFactory;
use App\HelloTable\UserTable;
// ...

 * @Route("/", name="default")
public function index(Request $request, HelloBootstrapTableFactory $tableFactory): Response
    $table = $tableFactory->create(UserTable::class);

    if ($table->isCallback()) {
        return $table->getResponse();

    return $this->render('index.html.twig', array(
        'table' => $table->createView()

Step 3: Add table in Template

{# index.html.twig #}

{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}

{% block body %}
    {{ hello_bootstrap_table_render(table) }}
{% endblock %}

The Twig function will render a table with all attributes configured.



Represents column with text. With formatter you can create complex columns.

Options from bootstrap-table

The following options were taken from bootstrap-table. For more information about the options, see the bootstrap-table documentation: https://bootstrap-table.com/docs/api/column-options/

Option Type Default Description
title string / null null Set column title. If no value is set, the specified attribute name is taken.
field string / null null Set internal field name for bootstrap-table. If no value is set, the specified attribute name is taken.
width integer / null null column width in px
widthUnit string "px" Unit of width.
class string / null null The column class name.
formatter string / null null JavaScript function name for formatter. (see formatter)
footerFormatter string / null null JavaScript function name for footer formatter.
searchable bool true enable / disable filtering for this column
sortable bool true enable / disable sortable for this column
switchable bool true enable / disable interactive hide and show of column.
visible bool true show / hide column
align string / null null Indicate how to align the column data. 'left', 'right', 'center' can be used.
halign string / null null Indicate how to align the table header. 'left', 'right', 'center' can be used.
valign string / null null Indicate how to align the cell data. 'top', 'middle', 'bottom' can be used.
falign string / null null Indicate how to align the table footer. 'left', 'right', 'center' can be used.
filterControl string "input" render text field in column header (input, select, datepicker)
titleTooltip string / null null add tooltip to header

Options from HelloBootstrapTable

The following options are not included in bootstrap-table. They were added separately.

Option Type Default Description
emptyData string "" default value if attribute from entity is null
filter array [TextFilter::class, array()] Set filter to column (see Filters)
addIf Closure function() {return true;} In this callback it is decided if the column will be rendered.
data Closure / null null custom data callback (see example)
sort Closure / null null custom sort query callback (see example)
search Closure / null null custom search query callback (see example)


//use statements for search and sort option
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Composite;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;

->add('username', TextColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'Username',
    'emptyData' => "No Username found.",
    //optional overrides ...
    'data' => function (User $user) { //entity from getEntityClass
        //you can return what ever you want ...  
        return $user->getId() . " " . $user->getUsername();

    'sort' => function (QueryBuilder $qb, $direction) { //execute if user sort this column
        $qb->addOrderBy('username', $direction);

    'search' => function (Composite $composite, QueryBuilder $qb, $search) {
      	//first add condition to $composite
        //don't forget the ':' before the parameter for binding
        $composite->add($qb->expr()->like($dql, ':username'));
      	//then bind search to query
        $qb->setParameter("username", $search . '%');

search Option:

Paramenter name Description
Composite $composite In the global search all columns are connected as or. In the advanced search all columns are combined with an and-connection. With $composite more parts can be added to the query. Composite is the parent class of AndX and OrX.
QueryBuilder $qb $qb holds the use QueryBuilder. It is the same instance as can be queried with getQueryBuilder() in the table class.
$search The search in the type of a string.


Represents column with boolean values.


All options of TextColumn.

advancedSearchType is set to checkbox by default.

filter is set to array(BooelanChoiceFilter::class, array()) by default.


Option Type Default Description
allLabel string "All" label for "null" values
trueLabel string "True" label for true values
falseLabel string "False" label for false values


use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\BooleanColumn;

->add('isActive', BooleanColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'is active',
    'trueLabel' => 'yes',
    'falseLabel' => 'no'


Represents column with DateType values.


All Options of TextColumn


Option Type Default Description
format string "Y-m-d H:i:s" DateTime format string
filterDatepickerOptions array [ ] Options for date picker (see docs)
disableKeydownEvent bool false prevent keyboard strokes to input field (only useful when filterControl is set to datetime)


use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\DateTimeColumn;

->add('createdAt', DateTimeColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'Created at',
    'format' => 'd.m.Y'


Represents column that are not visible in the table. Can used for data which are required for other columns.


All Options of TextColumn.

searchable, sortable, visible and switchable are disabled by default.


use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\HiddenColumn;

->add("id", HiddenColumn::class)


Represents column with a link.


All Options of TextColumn.

formatter is set to defaultLinkFormatter.


Option Type Default Description
routeName string null Route name. This option is required.
routeParams array [] Array of route parameters. The key is the parameter of the route. The value is the property path.
attr array [ ] Array of any number of attributes formatted as HTML attributes. The array ["class" => "btn btn-success"] is formatted as class="btn btn-success".


use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\LinkColumn;

->add('department.name', LinkColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'Department',
    'routeName' => 'show_department', // this option is required
    'routeParams' => array(
        'id' => 'department.id' // "id" is the route parameter of "show_department". "department.id" is the property path to fetch the value for the route parameter.

If the route parameters cannot be determined automatically based on the entity, user-defined routes can be created by overwriting data. Once data is overwritten, routeName and routeParams are no longer necessary to specify.

use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\LinkColumn;

->add('department.name', LinkColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'Department',
    'data' => function (User $user) {
        return array(
            'displayName' => $user->getDepartment()->getName(),
            'route' => $this->router->generate('show_department', array('some_parameter' => 'Hello'),
            'attr' => ''


Represents column for counting OneToMany relations (for ArrayCollection attributes).

Only works with direct attributes so far. For example, "users" would work in a DepartmentTable, but "users.items" would not.


All Options of TextColumn.

filter is set to array(CountFilter::class, array()) by default.


// App\Entity\Department.php

 * @var ArrayCollection|User[]
 * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\User", mappedBy="department")
private $users;

// App\HelloTable\UserTable.php
use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Columns\CountColumn;

->add('users', CountColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'Users'


Represents column for action buttons (show / edit / remove ...).


All Options of TextColumn

sortable, searchable and switchable are disable by default.

formatter is set to defaultActionFormatter.


Option Type Default Description
buttons array [ ] array of buttons configuration as array.


->add("actions", ActionColumn::class, array( // key "actions" can be chosen freely but must be unique in the table
    'title' => 'Actions',
    'width' => 120, //optional
    'buttons' => array(
            'displayName' => 'show',
            'routeName' => 'show_user',
            'additionalClassNames' => 'btn-success',
            'attr' => array(
                'title' => 'Show',
                // any number of other attributes
            'displayName' => 'edit',
            'routeName' => 'edit_user',
            // 'classNames' => 'btn btn-xs' (see below for more information)
            'additionalClassNames' => 'btn-warning',
            'addIf' => function(User $user) { // you can use your entity in the function
                // In this callback it is decided if the button will be rendered.
                return $this->security->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN');


Option Type Default Description
displayName string "" label of button
routeName string "" route name
routeParams array ["id"] Array of property value names for the route parameters. By default is id set.
classNames string "" CSS class names which added directly to the a element. Overrides default class names from YAML config.
additionalClassNames string "" You can set default class names in YAML config. Then you can add additional class names to the button without override the default config.
attr array [ ] Array of any number of attributes formatted as HTML attributes. The array ["title" => "Show"] is formatted as title="Show". The href and class attributes are created by the other options and should not be defined here.
addIf Closure function($entity) {return true;} In this callback it is decided if the button will be rendered.

YAML Example

# config/packages/hello_table.yaml

        classNames: 'btn btn-xs'

YAML config options are set to all buttons. If you want override global options from YAML config use classNames option.


Filters can be used to generate predefined queries. In addition, different input fields for the filters are displayed (currently only under the Advanced Search).


With the TextFilter you can filter by text within the column. TextFilter is set by default to all columns.


Option Type Default Description
advSearchFieldFormatter string "defaultAdvSearchTextField" Set JavaScript function name to format input field.
placeholder string / null title option from column with " ..." Set HTML placeholder for input field.

If you want to change advSearchFieldFormatter, you also need to create a JavaScript function with the same name in the window scope. As an example here is the default function:

//value can be undefined
window.defaultAdvSearchTextField = function (field, filterOptions, value) {
    let val = value || "";
    return `<input type="text" value="${val}" class="form-control" name="${field}" placeholder="${filterOptions.placeholder}" id="${field}">`;


use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Filters\TextFilter;

->add('firstName', TextColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'First name',
    'filter' => array(TextFilter::class, array(
        'placeholder' => 'Enter first name ...'


With the ChoiceFilter you can create a select input field.


All Options from TextFilter.

advSearchFieldFormatter is set to defaultAdvSearchChoiceField.


Option Type Default Description
choices array [ ] Key - Values pair of choices. Key: value attribute of select field; Value: display name of options in select field.
selectedValue string | int "null" Default selected value when table is rendered.


use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Filters\ChoiceFilter;

->add('department.name', TextColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'Department',
    'filter' => array(ChoiceFilter::class, array(
        'choices' => array(
            'null' => 'All', //null is special key word. If 'null' is set QueryBuilder skip this column.
            'IT' => 'IT',
            'Sales' => 'Sales'


BooleanChoiceFilter is a special ChoiceFilter with default choices and query expression. The expression is optimized for boolean values.


All Options from ChoiceFilter.

If you use BooleanChoiceFilter inside a BooleanColumn, the allLabel, trueLabel and falseLabel options from BooleanColumn are taken for null, true and false for the choices option by default.

If not choices is set to:

"choices" => array(
    "null" => "All",    // key must be "null", if you want allow to show all results
    "true" => "True",   // key must be "true", if you want allow true
    "false" => "False"  // key must be "false", if you want allow false


->add("isActive", BooleanColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'is active',
  	'filter' => array(BooleanChoiceFilter::class, array( // only if you want to override the choices
        'choices' => array(
            "null" => "Alle",   // instead of "all"
            "true" => "Ja",     // instead of "yes"
            "false" => "Nein"   // instead of "no"
    'trueLabel' => 'yes',
    'falseLabel' => 'no'


With the CountFilter you can filtering and sorting by counting OneToMany relations.


All Options from TextFilter.


Option Type Default Description
condition string "gte" Operation to compare counting.
Available options: "gt", "gte", "eq", "neq", "lt", "lte"
primaryKey string "id" Primary key of the target entity in the OneToMany relation.
For example: A user is in one deparment. One department has many users. In the user entity there is a $department attribute that is pointing to the department entity. With this option you specify the primary key of the department entity (the target entity).


use HelloSebastian\HelloBootstrapTableBundle\Filters\CountFilter;

->add('users', CountColumn::class, array(
    'title' => 'Users',
    'filter' => array(CountFilter::class, array(
        'condition' => 'lte',
        'primaryKey' => 'uuid'


Table Dataset Options

Table Dataset are provided directly to the bootstrap-table as data-attributes and are a collection of setting options for the table. For more information check bootstrap-table documentation: https://bootstrap-table.com/docs/api/table-options/


Option Type Default
pagination bool true
search bool true
show-columns bool true
show-columns-toggle-all bool false
show-footer bool true
filter-control bool true
show-refresh bool true
toolbar string "#toolbar"
page-list string "[10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, All]"
page-size int 25
sort-reset bool true
pagination-V-Align string "both"
undefined-text string ""
locale string "en-US"
advanced-search bool false
id-table string class name of table. ($this->getTableName())
icons-prefix string "fa"
icons array see under table*
click-to-select bool true
show-jump-to bool true
show-export bool true
export-types string "['csv', 'txt'', 'excel']"
export-options array see under table*
detail-view bool false
detail-formatter string ""
detail-view-align string ""
detail-view-icon bool true
detail-view-by-click bool false
sticky-header bool true
sticky-header-offset-left int 0
sticky-header-offset-right int 0
sticky-header-offset-y int 0
checkbox-header bool true
escape bool false
height int / null null
multiple-select-row bool false
sort-name string / null null
sort-order string / null null


Option Type Default
advancedSearchIcon string "fa-filter"
paginationSwitchDown string "fa-caret-square-o-down"
paginationSwitchUp string "fa-caret-square-o-up"
columns string "fa-columns"
refresh string "fa-sync"
export string "fa-download"
detailOpen string "fa-plus"
detailClose string "fa-minus"
toggleOff string "fa-toggle-off"
toggleOn string "fa-toggle-on"
fullscreen string "fa-arrows-alt"
search string "fa-search"
clearSearch string "fa-trash"


    'fileName' => (new \DateTime('now'))->format('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '_export',
    'ignoreColumn' => array("checkbox", "actions"),
    'csvSeparator' => ';'


Inside from Table class:

// src/HelloTable/UserTable.php

class UserTable extends HelloBootstrapTable
    protected function buildColumns(ColumnBuilder $builder, array $options): void
            'locale' => 'de-DE'
      	// ... $builder->add()

Outside from Table class:

// src/Controller/UserController.php

public function index(Request $request, HelloBootstrapTableFactory $tableFactory): Response
    $table = $tableFactory->create(UserTable::class);

    // other options will be merged.
        'locale' => 'de-DE'

    // ...

YAML config:

YAML config options are set to all tables. If you want override global options from YAML config use setTableDataset method in or outside from HelloBootstrapTable.

# config/packages/hello_table.yaml

        locale: 'de-DE' # see Table Dataset Options

Table Options

All options that should not be provided directly as data-attributes of the table are managed here.


Option Type Default
tableClassNames string "table table-stripped table-sm"
enableCheckbox bool false
bulkIdentifier string "id"
bulkUrl string ""
bulkActionSelectClassNames string "form-control"
bulkActions array [ ]
bulkButtonName string "Okay"
bulkButtonClassNames string "btn btn-primary"
enableTotalCountCache bool false


Inside from Table class:

// src/HelloTable/UserTable.php

class UserTable extends HelloBootstrapTable
    protected function buildColumns(ColumnBuilder $builder, array $options): void
            'enableCheckbox' => false
      	// ... $builder->add()

Outside from Table class:

// src/Controller/UserController.php

public function index(Request $request, HelloBootstrapTableFactory $tableFactory): Response
    $table = $tableFactory->create(UserTable::class);

        'enableCheckbox' => false

    // ...

YAML config:

YAML config options are set to all tables. If you want override global options from YAML config use setTableDataset method in or outside from HelloBootstrapTable.

# config/packages/hello_table.yaml

        enableCheckbox: false # see Table Options

Common Use-Cases

Custom Doctrine Queries

Sometimes you don't want to display all the data in a database table. For this you can "prefilter" the Doctrine query.


  * @Route("/", name="default")
public function index(Request $request, HelloBootstrapTableFactory $tableFactory)
    //first create a instance of your table
    $table = $tableFactory->create(TestTable::class);

    //then you can access the QueryBuilder from the table
        ->andWhere('department.name = :departmentName')
        ->setParameter('departmentName', 'IT');

    if ($table->isCallback()) {
      	return $table->getResponse();

    return $this->render("index.html.twig", array(
      	"table" => $table->createView()

Default table sorting

bootstrap-table allows you to specify a default sort order. For this purpose there are two options "sort-name" and "sort-order". These can be set by the setTableDataset method. "sort-name" expects the dql (or if set field name) of the column. "sort-order" can be set by "asc" or "desc".

// inside table class
protected function buildColumns(ColumnBuilder $builder, array $options): void
        'sort-name' => 'firstName', // dql (or if set field name) of column
        'sort-order' => 'desc' // or asc

    $builder->add('firstName', TextColumn::class, array(
        'title' => 'First name'

// outside table class
$table = $tableFactory->create(UserTable::class);
    'sort-name' => 'firstName',
    'sort-order' => 'desc'

HelloBootstrapTable provides a helper method setDefaultSorting to set the default sort order.

// inside table class
protected function buildColumns(ColumnBuilder $builder, array $options): void
    $this->setDefaultSorting("firstName", "desc");

    $builder->add('firstName', TextColumn::class, array(
        'title' => 'First name'

// outside table class
$table = $tableFactory->create(UserTable::class);
$table->setDefaultSorting("firstName", "desc");

Detail View

You can expand rows in bootstrap-table. This option is called "detail view" and can be enabled in the datasets (by default this is disabled). For displaying the content of detail-view a formatter is needed (also to be specified in datasets). In the formatter you have access to the data of the table row. For complex representations Twig can also be used. See the example below.

 protected function buildColumns(ColumnBuilder $builder, array $options): void
     //enable detail-view and set formatter
         'detail-view' => true,
         'detail-formatter' => 'detailViewFormatter'

       // other columns ...
       // detailView is not a database field and can be named as you like.
       // but the column should not displayed in the table (HiddenColumn)
       ->add('detailView', HiddenColumn::class, array(
           // override data callback (as attribute you can access the entity that you specified in getEntityClass())
           'data' => function (User $user) {
              // now you can return everthing you want (twig render included)
              // twig is provided by HelloBootstrapTable
              return $this->twig->render('user/detail_view.html.twig', array(
                 'user' => $user

To display detailView as content of the expanded table row a formatter function must be created and detailView must be returned. Remember to create the formatter before calling {{ hello_bootstrap_table_js() }}.

// index   => index of row inside table
// row     => data object of the row
// element => row DOM element
window.detailViewFormatter = function (index, row, element) {
    // detailView matched with the name from add('detailView', HiddenColumn::class). If you use a different name you must changed it here too.
    return row.detailView;

Alternative you can of course create your HTML with JavaScript inside the formatter.

Use Icons as action buttons

To save space in the table, it makes sense to use icons instead of written out buttons. This is easily possible by using HTML instead of a word in the displayName option of the action buttons.

// src/HelloTable/UserTable.php

class UserTable extends HelloBootstrapTable
    protected function buildColumns(ColumnBuilder $builder, array $options): void
            // more columns ...
            ->add("actions", ActionColumn::class, array(
                'title' => 'Actions',
                'buttons' => array(
                        'displayName' => "<i class='fa fa-eye'></i>", // <-- e.g. FontAwesome icon
                        'routeName' => 'show_user',
                        'additionalClassNames' => 'btn-success',
                    // more buttons ...


Contributions are welcome and will be credited.