
Various utilities for the Brevitas (https://github.com/Xilinx/brevitas) framework for neural network quantization in PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Brevitas utils (brevitas_utils)

Library with utilities for Brevitas.


  • 1-line conversion of a floating point PyTorch model to a model with post-training quantization(PTQ) applied that can be used for quantization-aware training (QAT)
    • Automatic batch normalization folding
    • Automatic removal of dropout layers
  • 1-line extraction of quantized weights and biases from a QAT model
  • Power-of-two weight quantization (Int8WeightPerTensorPowerOfTwo.py)


git clone git@github.com:V0XNIHILI/brevitas-utils.git
cd brevitas-utils
pip install -e .


Please see a mini-tutorial below.

1. Define original model

import torch.nn as nn

model = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Linear(10, 20),
    nn.Linear(20, 10)

2. Define quantization configurations

See here for more details.

from brevitas_utils import QuantConfig

weight_quant_cfg = QuantConfig(base_classes=["Int8WeightPerTensorPowerOfTwo"], kwargs={"bit_width": 4, "narrow_range": False})
act_quant_cfg = QuantConfig(base_classes=["ShiftedParamFromPercentileUintQuant"], kwargs={"bit_width": 4, "collect_stats_steps": 1500})

# Optional parameters for quantization

bias_quant_cfg = QuantConfig(base_classes= ["Int16Bias"])
# Do not reuse weights from the floating point model
from_float_weights = False
# Do not calibrate the model, calibration is necessary for PTQ (via: https://xilinx.github.io/brevitas/tutorials/tvmcon2021.html#Calibration-based-post-training-quantization)
calibration_setup = None
# Quantize all modules; dont skip any
skip_modules = []

3. Create a QAT-ready model & apply PTQ

Note: create_qat_ready_model applies PTQ to the model if calibration_setup is not None.

from brevitas_utils import create_qat_ready_model

qat_ready_model = create_qat_ready_model(model,

4. Training (or not)

4.1. Continue training/finetuning the model via QAT

for epoch in range(10):

4.2 Use PTQ model without further QAT

# You do not have to do anything else in this case

5. Export quantized weights and biases

from brevitas_utils import get_quant_state_dict

# Get quantized weights and biases
quant_state_dict = get_quant_state_dict(qat_ready_model, (10,))

# Can either save and load via torch
torch.save(quant_state_dict, "quant_model.pth")
quant_state_dict_loaded = torch.load("quant_model.pth")

# Or, can use built-in functions
from brevitas_utils import save_quant_state_dict, load_quant_state_dict 
save_quant_state_dict(quant_state_dict, "quant_model.pkl")
quant_state_dict_loaded = load_quant_state_dict("quant_model.pkl")


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.