
It can be used to Control Mobile Camera

Primary LanguagePython


Firstly there are somethings alredy exist to view your Ip webcamera, but when it comes to linux and mac there are some limitations which would be problem for windows applications. Ehen through you can get the IP webcam camera view by copying the url into the browser but it is a python code which I want to improve it further as of now it is basic one which can help to access the camera view from your IP webcams

PREREQUISITES ( Please verify if you have installed )

  • Python3
  • Pip
  • Ip webcam(on your mobile)

Installation :

(NOTE: This will work only when Your both devices are connected to the same network/wifi )

First Open your terminal/command line to clone this using

git clone https://github.com/karthikchary12/mbwebcam.git

Get into the directory

cd mbwebcam

Now install the required packages using the requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Mobile setup

You need to install a application know as IP webcam on your mobile

Screenshot from 2022-10-08 20-56-47

Open the application and scroll down where you can see Start Server

Screenshot from 2022-10-08 20-57-14

Agree to the camera permissions and you can see your camera view on the screen Now you should notedown your Ip url

Screenshot from 2022-10-08 20-57-39

Now open your mbwebcam folder and run the python file

python3 mbwebcam.py

NOTE(Mainly for Windows): If you faced any error while running the python file like ModuleNotFoundError for CV2 or imutils use the following commands

For CV2 use

python3 -m pip install opencv-python

For imutils use

python3 -m pip install imutils

Now you can run your python file without any errors

Now enter your noted url in it

Screenshot from 2022-10-08 20-49-06

Done you can get the mobile camera view on your pc

Screenshot from 2022-10-08 20-51-13

If anyone have good ideas and solution to improve this code you can help me with it by becoming collaborator or atleast you can mail me