
State selection pattern for React Context API.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


State selection pattern for React Context API.

📝 Why?

The context API has one major drawback. It updates all consumers when provided value changes, no matter what part of the state is necessary for the consumer to work properly. In order to reduce the performance penalty caused by this behavior we split the context into several smaller ones. This minimizes the number of components rerendering on state update.

This package allows you store large objects in a context and limit updates to only those components, which are really interested in an updated portion of data.

🚀 Installation

npm install @v3ron/react-select-context --save
yarn add @v3ron/react-select-context
pnpm add @v3ron/react-select-context

🏗️ Example

import { useState, useCallback } from "react";
import { createSelectableContext } from "./createSelectableContext";

const { SelectableProvider, useSelectableContext } = createSelectableContext<{ count: number }>();

const Consumer = (): JSX.Element => {
  const count = useSelectableContext(useCallback((state) => state.count));
  return (

const App = (): JSX.Element => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
    <SelectableProvider value={{ count }}>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(n => n + 1)}>Update</button>
      <Consumer />



Creates a selectable context and returns its provider and a hook, which can be used to interact with it.


A modified context provider, which can be used with useSelectableContext to access the context data.


Gives access to the selectable context. It accepts two arguments:

  • selectFn - a selector function
  • compareFn - a comparator (defaults to shallow)

Remember to memoize both functions! This way you will get as little rerenders as possible.