Pinned issues
- 1
Repo working status
#13 opened by V3ntus - 3
- 0
Revert "ref: avatarUrl animated helper to all"
#9 opened by V3ntus - 1
Implement animated helper for `iconUrl`
#8 opened by V3ntus - 1
Implement animated helper for `bannerUrl`
#7 opened by V3ntus - 1
Populate guilds on startup
#4 opened by V3ntus - 1
Handle `READY_SUPPLEMENTAL` gateway event (#4)
#5 opened by V3ntus - 0
Implement guild member chunking
#6 opened by V3ntus - 1
Unhandled exception `Bad state: No element` with `CliIntegration` plugin sending a Ctrl+C to bot
#2 opened by V3ntus - 1
- 1