
A demo application for how to use the VACenterID API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

VACenterID Demo

Learn how to use the VACenterID OAuth2 API

What is this?

This is a small web application written in NodeJS & Express, it will ask users to login, which will then take you to a VACenterID Authentication Page, following which it will display some information about you.

How can I use it?

This application has an .env.example file, which needs to be populated and renamed to .env, see instructions for what to populate the results with below.


At the moment, the VACenter Developer Portal is not operational, as such you can not generate an application yet. Stay tuned.

Environment Variables

As aforementioned, you must populate the .env.example file and rename it to .env. This will show you what to populate.

  • HOST: This should become your IP address with HTTP & port 3000 afixed. If you actually want to run this, you must port forwards 3000.
  • SCOPES: This is the scopes you want to retrieve data for, at the moment only identify and email are supported by the demo.
  • CLIENT_ID: This is the Client ID of your application as registered on the VACenter Developer Portal.
  • CLIENT_SECRET: This is the Client Secret of your application as registered on the VACenter Developer Portal.