WWW2025 Multimodal Intent Recognition for Dialogue Systems Challenge(baseline)

Primary LanguagePython


This project provides the baseline for the Multimodal Intent Recognition for Dialogue Systems challenge of WWW2025 , including functions for model training, evaluation, and converting to submission format.

How to Use


This project is based on an open-source training and inference framework; first, you need to install LLaMA Factory by referring to https://github.com/hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory


Step 1: Replace configuration

  • Place the downloaded training data file train.json into LLaMA-Factory/data/mire/train.json
  • Replace the data configuration in mire_baseline/configs/data_info.json with the original LLaMA-Factory data configuration LLaMA-Factory/data/data_info.json
  • Place the training configuration file mire_baseline/configs/qwen2_vl_full_sft.yaml into LLaMA-Factory/examples/qwen2_vl_full_sft.yaml

Step 2: Train using the training configuration, performing instruction supervision fine-tuning on a single machine.

FORCE_TORCHRUN=1 llamafactory-cli train examples/qwen2_vl_full_sft.yaml


Step 1: Place the inference configuration mire_baseline/configs/predict.yaml into LLaMA-Factory/examples/predict.yaml, and make sure to update the model address, test data, inference results save address, and other relevant parameters in predict.yaml.

Step 2: Use the inference configuration to execute the inference command.

llamafactory-cli train examples/predict.yaml

Generating Submission File

After modifying the test file and inference result file addresses in mire_baseline/convert2submit.py, execute:

python mire_baseline/convert2submit.py

Calculating Accuracy (Optional)

If you have labeled test files and corresponding inference results, you can calculate the inference accuracy. Modify the test file and inference result file addresses in mire_baseline/cal_acc.py and execute:

python mire_baseline/cal_acc.py

After running this project, you will see output similar to:

{"f1": 0.5333333333333333, "accuracy": 0.5, "precision": 0.6, "recall": 0.5}

Where F1 is the final evaluation metric.

Task Introduction:

This competition's dataset contains all tasks of classifying text combined with images, including two main categories: image scene classification and multi-turn dialogue intent classification.

1) Image Scene Classification:

The specific scene for image scene classification is when users send a picture to customer service, requiring the judgment of what type of e-commerce scene the picture belongs to. The specific category labels and their descriptions are as follows:

Label Description
商品分类选项 Product color, specifications options
商品头图 Main image on the product page
商品详情页截图 Screenshots that may appear in various sections of the product detail page
下单过程中出现异常(显示购买失败浮窗) Screenshot of exceptions during the ordering process (showing purchase failed popup)
订单详情页面 A page displaying complete order information
支付页面 Includes payment method selection and payment success page
消费者与客服聊天页面 Chat pages between the consumer and platform/customer service in apps like Taobao
评论区截图页面 Screenshots of the comment area in Taobao or other apps
物流页面-物流列表页面 A page presenting more than two logistic information
物流页面-物流跟踪页面 A page showing the logistics transportation path
物流页面-物流异常页面 A page containing logistics exception information
退款页面 A page that contains refund information
退货页面 A page that contains return information
换货页面 A page that contains exchange information
购物车页面 Images of the shopping cart page in Taobao
店铺页面 Screenshot of the store's home page
活动页面 Screenshots of promotions
优惠券领取页面 Screenshots of receiving coupons on the store's home page or promotional pages
账单/账户页面 Includes transaction details, asset lists, coupon/red envelope lists, etc.
个人信息页面 Various pages related to user personal information
投诉举报页面 Complaint or reporting pages
实物拍摄(含售后) Photos taken by users with a camera, including photos after-sales (damages, missing items, discrepancies with description) or other photos taken with a camera
外部APP截图 Various screenshots from non-Taobao or Cainiao apps, including Jingdong, Pinduoduo, SMS, mobile system screenshots
平台介入页面 Screenshots of platform customer service intervention
其他类别图片 Other images that cannot be determined

2) Dialogue Intent Classification

The scene for dialogue intent classification is to determine the user's intent through the dialogue history between the user and customer service, and the current user's question. The dialogue history contains at least one image sent by the user, which may assist in intent judgment. Intent labels and their descriptions are as follows:

Label Description
反馈密封性不好 Buyer feedback that the product's sealing is poor and will leak
是否好用 Buyer inquires whether the product is usable
是否会生锈 Inquiry about whether the product will rust
排水方式 Inquiry regarding the drainage methods of products (applicable products: washing machines, water heaters)
包装区别 Inquiry about the differences in product packaging
发货数量 Inquiry about the quantity of products delivered
反馈用后症状 Buyer feedback regarding physiological reactions after use
商品材质 Inquiry about specific materials of the product and its accessories
功效功能 Inquiry regarding the efficacy and function of the product
是否易褪色 Inquiry about whether the product fades easily
适用季节 Inquiry about the applicable season for the product
能否调光 Inquiry whether the light source can be adjusted
版本款型区别 Inquiry regarding the differences between two versions/models/styles/packages, etc. (excluding differences in quantity/weight/dimensions)
单品推荐 Consumer inquiry for recommendations on a particular category/item, not at SKU level
用法用量 Inquiry regarding the methods/steps/sequences for using the product, including but not limited to amount, time, and usage area
控制方式 Inquiry on how to control the product, whether it can be controlled via mobile/computer
上市时间 Inquiry regarding the release date of the product
商品规格 Inquiry regarding product quantity, weight, content, and capacity
信号情况 Inquiry about the quality of signals for mobile use, and how to handle poor signals
养护方法 Inquiry about maintenance methods for the product
套装推荐 Consumer inquiry for recommendations on certain sets
何时上货 Inquiry regarding restocking/delivery times
气泡 Inquiry on how to avoid and remove bubbles when applying film

Competition Rules:

  • Participants can obtain the competition dataset from the Tianchi platform, which specifically includes:

    • 1,000 labeled dialogue samples for training

    • 10,000 unlabeled samples for preliminary competition testing

    • An additional 10,000 new test samples in the semi-final

  • Maximum number of model parameters is less than 10 billion.

  • For each sample, a maximum of 3 model calls is allowed, with a total maximum output token limit of 100.


This project's baseline uses qwen2-vl-7b full sft method, with a baseline accuracy of 80.60%. Specifically:

F1 Precision Recall
Overall 0.7882 0.8093 0.787
Dialogue Intent Classification Task 0.8648 0.8812 0.866
Image Scene Classification Task 0.7116 0.7373 0.708

Official Q&A Group
