
light weight intertpreted programing language

Primary LanguageRust

small interpreted/JIT compiled stack based programing language

  • build size around 450kB
  • performance better than python
  • extensible
  • statically typed
  • REPL + compiler
  • no 3rd party dependencies
    • libloading - loading dynamic libraries (used for "jit" compilation)
  • syntax based on python/rust
  • experimental C aot/jit compilation

example program to count lines of code

fn countFile(path: String): int {
  if !endsWith(path, ".vipl") {
    return 0


  file = readFile(path)
  fileLen = strLen(file)
  i = 0
  counter = 1

  while i < fileLen {
    c = file[i]

    if c == '\n' {
      counter += 1

    i += 1

  return counter

fn countDir(path: String): int {

  files = ls(path)
  i = 0
  len = arrayLen(files)
  counter = 0

  while i < len {
    buf = path + ("/" + (files[i]))
    ft = fileType(buf)
    if ft == 2 {
      counter += countDir(buf)
    else {
      if ft == 1 {
        counter += countFile(buf)
      else {
    i += 1
  return counter

directory = "/home/vasabi/Downloads/vm-rust/src"
dirType = fileType(directory)
res = 0

if dirType == 0 {
  print("invalid path")
  assert(1, 0)
else {
  if dirType == 1 {
    res += countFile(directory)
  else {
    res += countDir(directory)

benchmark of above script (my language left, python right) 500% speed up