
A package for interacting with the new IPBoard REST API.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel IPBoard API

Packagist License Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version Total Downloads

This package includes accessor methods for all common IPBoard API calls:

  • Members
  • Forum Posts
  • Forum Topics


Require this package with composer:

composer require alawrence/laravel-ipboard

After updating composer, add this package's ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php

Laravel 5.x:




'Ipboard' => Alawrence\Ipboard\Facade::class,

In order to set the required variables for your instance of IPBoard, you must first publish the configuration files:

php artisan vendor:publish


To utilise any of the API endpoints, refer to the list of available calls.


$ipboard = new IPBoard();

$recentlyJoined = $ipboard->getMembersByPage("date", "desc");
$allMembers = $ipboard->getMembersAll();
$singleMember = $ipboard->getMemberById(2011);

$newMember = $ipboard->createMember("Test Api User", "test-user@gmail.com", "this_is_My_password!"); // Will be added to default group.
$anotherMember = $ipboard->createMember("Test Api User 2", "test-user-2@gmail.com", "this_is_not_secret", 24); // Will be added to group 24.

$updateMember = $ipboard->updateMember(2011, ["name" => "This Is THe New Name", "password" => "The new password" => "email" => "im_sleeping@gmail.com"]);



$ipboard = new IPBoard();

$recentPosts = $ipboard->getForumPostsByPage(["sortBy" => "date", "sortDir" => "desc"]); // Refer to IPBoard API reference for more search criteria.
$allPosts = $ipboard->getForumPostsAll(); // I would think carefully before doing this.

$singlePost = $ipboard->getForumPostById(12); // Get post ID 12.

$newPost = $ipboard->createForumPost(5, 2011, "<p>This is <strong>my</strong> HTML post.</p>"); // Topic 5, author 2011.   Refer to IPBoard API for more data you can provide.
$newGuestPost = $ipboard->createForumPost(5, 0, "<p>This is a <em>guest</em> post.</p>", ["author_name" => "My User's Guest Name"]); // Topic 5, author 0 with specified name.   Refer to IPBoard API for more data you can provide.

$updatedPost = $ipboard->updateForumPost(567, ["post" => "<p>This content has been removed.</p>"]); // Update post 567.  Refer to IPBoard API for more data you can provide.



$ipboard = new IPBoard();

$recentTopics = $ipboard->getForumTopicsByPage(["sortBy" => "date", "sortDir" => "desc"]); // Refer to IPBoard API reference for more search criteria.
$allTopics = $ipboard->getForumTopicsAll(); // I would think carefully before doing this.

$singleTopic = $ipboard->getForumTopicById(53); // Get topic ID 53;

$newTopic = $ipboard->createForumTopic(2, 2011, "My New Post Title", <p>This is <strong>my</strong> HTML post.</p>"); // Forum 2, author 2011.   Refer to IPBoard API for more data you can provide.
$newGuestTopic = $ipboard->createForumTopic(2, 0, "My guest title", <p>This is a <em>guest</em> post.</p>", ["author_name" => "My User's Guest Name"]); // Forum 2, author 0 with specified name.   Refer to IPBoard API for more data you can provide.

$updateTopic = $ipboard->updateForumTopic(56, ["title" => "Removed title", "post" => "<p>This content has been removed.</p>"]); // Update topic 56.  Refer to IPBoard API for more data you can provide.



I appreciate there are elements of the API that haven't been implemented, as my license doesn't contain them. If you wish to submit a PR I'll gladly accept.