
ElasticSearch v5 demo with presentation and workshop. Docker-compose, terraform, ...

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ELK stack sample setup on static IPs


Repozitory structure overview

  • set of README files:
  • README - this document
  • README_api_usage - basic handling of ELK via curl
  • README_mapping - ELK mapping example
  • README_query_cheatsheet - examples of query language
  • README_watcher - how to setup simple alerting
  • README_workshop - labs + basic terms
  • README_geoip - info about GeoIP coordinates handling
  • README_s3 - experimental backup to S3 bucket simulated via Riak CS
  • Terraform - just for workshop, spin several servers with preinstalled docker, readme in directory

ELK Stack components


  • 1x Fluentd NEED TO BE RUN FIRST see how to run this stack
  • containers output logger (back to ELK)
  • index platform*


  • 3x server (data/client/master role) - you can start just one server (elasticsearchdataone) if you don't have HW resources or limit resources via docker CPU/Mem qutoas, see comments in common-services.yml
  • x-pack installed
  • exposed ports:
  • 920[1-3] / 930[1-3]



  • used for easy sample data upload
    • exposed ports:
    • 5000 - json filter
    • 5001 - raw, no filters
  • you can use .raw field for not_analyzed data
  • index: logstash*

Riak CS

  • used for AWS S3 simulation
    • exposed ports:
    • 8080 - API
  • not logged via Fluentd to ELK (API key created during start)


  • Mattermost server - running outside demo stack as a simple container with open access and webhook created
  • You can easily spin your own instances via docker compose
  • https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-docker
  • IP of server is setup in .env

Stack handling

Start stack

  • Start stack (do not use docker-compose up as there are some prerequisities to start stack)

  • This short script will prepare temporary data volumes for ES servers and start fluend container first

  • Download git repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/VAdamec/elk-stack-v5-xpack 
$ cd elk-stack-v5-xpack
$ ./_start

Stop stack

  • just stop containers, for removing network/artefact use docker-copose command
$ ./_stop

Used tools

You can use logstash or kibana containers (all is mounted as /code/) or install on your system (OSX/Lnx).

  • netcat - for logstash feedings
  • jq - for pretty outputs
  • curl - for shell work with Elastic
  • curator

Not covered